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  1. ftrainline

    Cyber Monday

    All i know is that Cyber Monday is a myth. Faux bargains
  2. For anyone that's interested, the WSJ has a review of the new versions of the Zune http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119499777084691974.html?mod=psp_editors_picks Personally I'd always go for the Ipod.
  3. Watch out for this offer! Apparently some CCs are not honoring this offer. http://consumerist.com/consumer/bait-and-switch/circuit-city-refusing-to-honor-advertised-offer-for-free-call-of-duty-3-319551.php
  4. Is the 6400 different from the 1505? I read somewhere that it's the same system but without Windows XP Media. The WXM is intended for home use hence why the business 6400 runs on regular Windows XP.
  5. ahh, that's not true. You can't use the points online. You can check on how many points you have online but you can't use them online. The cashier either didn't understand your question or just didn't know From the FAQ section of bordersrewards.com (notice bordersrewards, there's a bordersreward.com which has nothing to do with the actual company) Q: Can I earn or redeem rewards with purchases made at www.borders.com or www.waldenbooks.com? A: Not at this time. Rewards currently can be earned and redeemed only at our physical stores.
  6. You can not combine discounts. No 70% off! If a book is already 30% off, the coupon will tack on the other 10%.
  7. Eh there'll be others. Though I wish my friend still worked at that best buy:rolleyes:
  8. I didn't bother asking. I was a block away and saw the long line before the opening of the store. The line didn't seem organize and I was too hung over to try to rush the door when they opened. Some things are not worth it.
  9. NYC Best Buy I got the circular yesterday with my paper. Thought I could get it considering the majority of people wouldn't get the ad until this morning. WRONG!! Walked over to the Best Buy on 86th street at 9:55, (the store opens at 10) and there was a line of over 30 waiting to get in so I passed. I don't know why I even try to buy laptops at stores. At this point I should just go to Dell.com and use my company's discount.
  10. No problem. I'll take my chances. Most newspapers consider a person a new subscriber if they haven't had the paper delivered within the last 90 days. I'll give it a whirl.
  11. Define new subscriber? My subscription ended with the October Issue (so September 06 was the received date). It's better deal than the renewal price they're offering me.
  12. Cyber Monday is a made up aggressive marketing push by industry boosters that claim the monday after black friday as the biggest sales day of the year for online merchants. In reality '05 data shows more consumers visited online retail sites on Cyber Monday than on any other day during the last holiday season. CM actually was the 9th busiest day for online retailers You know it's alot of hype when the biggest online mercant Amazon.com doesn't offer special discounts on that day. There's an article in today's technology section of the NY Times on Cyber Monday.
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