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  1. Babies R Us advertises layaway too!
  2. Last year I waited at the Babies R' us in Cincinnati for the diapers. I was the first one at the store at 4am in hopes of the store being ready to open at 5am. about 10 people got in line with me, but no store opening. Luckily the store is attached to a mall and we waited inside. Some people left, but I stayed until about 6: 30am when I saw an employee and flagged him down. We told him about the ad see on the internet. He informed us that it was only a test market and did not apply for our area and that the store was not opening till 10am. So I explained that those of us there were all seeing the same ad. Sure enough he opened the gate and let us in. I bought 10 cases that day @ $10/case. Well worth freezing for... Hoping thaey have that same sale, as now I have a 8 week old daughter to buy for now...
  3. Toys at Target 75% off. Yesterday my wife went shopping and there were a ton of toys left over from Christmas marked down 75%. had some great deals
  4. Well, I was very disappointed with the store in Cincinnati, OH. I was the first one at the store at 4am. A few people showed up later. 5am came and went and no signs of life in the store. the store was luckily connected to a mall, so we were able to wait inside of the mall. Saw someone inside the store at 6:30am. I asked the manager when they opened up - 9:30am. I informed him that the group of ten people had seen that the store was going to open at 5 am. He explained that this was a test group for this year only. I asked about the diapers. He said maybe he could open at 8:30am. I remained calm and patient and asked then about setting aside a ton of cases of diapers. Manager came back and let us in. I thanked the manager. I bought 6 cases of diapers at the $10/case.
  5. i don't see how to buy now
  6. Kohls gave out tickets last year for the portable DVD player
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