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Posts posted by lzaina

  1. Yes they do. In fact, if you know something about computers you can get them to work with other formats too. But I have the luxury of having a programmer (works for JPL on satellites) DH who knows how to do stuff. Our son has a Mixmax and we don't use Windows, so he uses more generic video formats, rather than Windows. We can download shows we record off TV onto it as well. But, DH also built a Tivo-like system that we use to record all our TV programs (so no commercials unless we want to see them). But if you can load a video onto an SD card with your computer, it should be able to read it.

    Cool. Thanks for the info.

  2. Good Night at Target for me too!!! I got the Dirt Devil broom vac for 12.xx (was looking for the Kurve, but found this instead). Also got some other odds and ends on clearance, and 4 MM's...


    I also found 4 more of the Disney Espheria puzzles... I now have WAY to many, but have been picking them up because I am getting them for 3.xx a piece. If anyone needs 1, 2 or 4... please PM me... I bought a couple as gifts for nieces and kids of friends, but like I said still have to many, and for that price (90% off) i would hate to have to return them!!!

    I will take 2 of them. I have alot of birthdays in April, so they will come in handy.

    When I saw them at the store they told me that if I wanted it I had to pay 7.48 for it.

  3. Went today GB still 50% off, and they moved all that is left to the shelves against the wall along side of the store.

    Found the puzzle, came up I N F so they gave it to me for the last selling price which is 7.48.

    Dora activity mat orig.29.99 paid 7.48 (must of been a return)

    Not much left in the Valentines Dept.

    saw on an endcap coffee machines, microwaves, toaster oven, crockpot, but none were in boxes, must of been the displays. But were only marked down 15-30%.

    lots of sheets and curtains on clearance.

    Also saw perfume getting marked down, if anyone is looking for that.

  4. I am sooo excited... First time MM finder!!!! I got 7 of them last night!!! I also found Happy Days the first Season on DVD, it was an "as is" purchase originally 39.99 for 9.xx!!! My sister will be REALLY happy about that one because she loves all those older shows!! Also go a bunch of mens VD boxer shorts for .49 a pair, got some sugar free chocolates... Has anyone noticed if GB was 75% yet?!?

    Was there any mm left?:(

  5. I am so happy. I found the disney princess partyware at 50% off. I was able to get plates both small and large, tableclothes, stickers, and goody bags and princess crowns for my DD 3rd b-day in April. I was also able to find princess wrapping paper, transformer and spiderman wrapping paper also 50% off.


    I even found 1 pack of mm juice. I am stocking up for her party and for a fundraiser for her school so every pack helps.

    I wonder if the partyware for the boys theme is on clearance too?:eyepoppin

  6. OMG!


    I went in to get some V-day stuff now 75% and saw a cute trunk thing (distressed cream color) in GB (50%)and it had no price, no UPC nothing. I asked the nice guy if he would be able to scan it for me, he said that he would be able to tell by the description. He still couldn't find it, and wrote down a UPC to take it up front. He said that I would be pleasantly suprised. I said OK, and walked up front. He also happened to be up front ringing (apparently he was the GM of the store!) He was grinning when I got to the register. He scanned it and I about fell over (4.98!) even though I don't know how much it was, I know that GB is $$$ and it was still a fantastic deal...

    But it gets better. I also stopped at the one closer to where I live and they had the same one sitting there waiting for me. It had a tag and it's original price was $116!!! I asked the the guy if he could do the same price for me and showed him my reciept. Also let him know that I would be ok if he couldn't, just thought I would ask. He said he could go down to 30.00. I said that was too much for me but appreciated his time to help me. He told if it was still here at 75% off he would remember me and give me the same price I paid at the other store.

    Now when I had originally walked up to GB a guy was fighting with him on the price and being kind of a pain.

    Once the associate went to help him again, I heard the guy (fighting w/the price) say "YOU JUST TOLD HER 75% OFF!" Well me and my big mouth turned the corner and said "no he would give me the price I wanted WHEN it went to 75% off.

    The guy left and Target guy said thks for taking my side! I am going to give that to you for $10.00! He wrote a upc down and told me to take it to the register. I don't know what UPC he gave me but it rang up to 8.50 instead of 10! what a cool guy. I'll definately ask him if I ever have any questions!

    So today If I had paid full price I would have spent $230 but only spent 13.50!


    Sorry guys I can't find my reciept but I don't think they are the right UPC's anyway.


    What a great day!

    Wow!! you got some great deals. I'm happy for you. I wish something like that would happen to me.:cheesy:

    sorry didn't mean to post twice.

  7. OMG!


    I went in to get some V-day stuff now 75% and saw a cute trunk thing (distressed cream color) in GB (50%)and it had no price, no UPC nothing. I asked the nice guy if he would be able to scan it for me, he said that he would be able to tell by the description. He still couldn't find it, and wrote down a UPC to take it up front. He said that I would be pleasantly suprised. I said OK, and walked up front. He also happened to be up front ringing (apparently he was the GM of the store!) He was grinning when I got to the register. He scanned it and I about fell over (4.98!) even though I don't know how much it was, I know that GB is $$$ and it was still a fantastic deal...

    But it gets better. I also stopped at the one closer to where I live and they had the same one sitting there waiting for me. It had a tag and it's original price was $116!!! I asked the the guy if he could do the same price for me and showed him my reciept. Also let him know that I would be ok if he couldn't, just thought I would ask. He said he could go down to 30.00. I said that was too much for me but appreciated his time to help me. He told if it was still here at 75% off he would remember me and give me the same price I paid at the other store.

    Now when I had originally walked up to GB a guy was fighting with him on the price and being kind of a pain.

    Once the associate went to help him again, I heard the guy (fighting w/the price) say "YOU JUST TOLD HER 75% OFF!" Well me and my big mouth turned the corner and said "no he would give me the price I wanted WHEN it went to 75% off.

    The guy left and Target guy said thks for taking my side! I am going to give that to you for $10.00! He wrote a upc down and told me to take it to the register. I don't know what UPC he gave me but it rang up to 8.50 instead of 10! what a cool guy. I'll definately ask him if I ever have any questions!

    So today If I had paid full price I would have spent $230 but only spent 13.50!


    Sorry guys I can't find my reciept but I don't think they are the right UPC's anyway.


    What a great day!

    Wow!! you got some great deals. I'm happy for you. I wish something like that would happen to me.

  8. The number on the receipt is 082090082

    (not sure if that is the DCPI) :confused: and it rang up for 39.98

    It is blue and silver with an aluminum frame.

    Just so you know it may not have a clearance sticker at some targets. I went to another Target today and found the same bike not marked.....of course I got them to scan it for me and sure enough it was 39.98 :yup:


    Originally Posted by Floridasunshine

    Do you have the DCPI number and/or photo?




    I tried to find a photo online for you but couldn't find it on target.com but if you google it there are several people that have posted it for sale....so you can see their photos.:yup:

  9. Went to Target for the first time in a week, can you believe it? I found a great deal, 2prs of Hello Kitty pajamas for $9.98, they were bundled together. But when I got home, the pajamas were no where to be found. I called up the store, guest services said it wasn't turned in back there. But the guy was really nice, he said to bring in my receipt and they could look at the video from my purchase and see what happened to the bag. That's good to know they will track your purchases if need be.


    Went to another store and found the 12pc cookware that I had been watching for 75% off ($14.98). It's a cheaper set but I wanted to get it for our travel trailer that we haven't bought yet. But at least when we find the right one, we'll have our kitchen supplies in hand!

    What brand was the cookware?

  10. Quick question,

    is the cars, lightening mcqueen stuff in the dollar section part of the 50%off or did they just put it out? (pencils, wallets etc.)

    I do not have a car to go out there and find out for myself. I sent husband he says that it was there before.....but I do not recall it. So I thought I would turn to my gottadealers for the answer.

    Thanks in advance. I just got to say I love this site!!

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