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  1. Just make sure you don't get screwed. A few sketchy looking young guys were offering $100 for ticketa for the cheap laptop last year. A friend of mine sold his ticket to them, then discovered that they had just wrapped a few ones up in a twenty - he got $24 for his ticket.
  2. Is this doable? In line last year the guy next to me said that he had already bought the TVs he wanted at full price, and was just there with his receipts to get the items price matched. I didn't see him again, so I don't know whether or not this worked. Does this really work? Obviously they won't have certain sale items (e.g. the cheap computers) even available to customers before the sales, but other items like TVs, Cameras, etc should be available, right? So do they price match on BF or would that be a waste of my time to try?
  3. This week Best Buy has some Westinghouse 19" LCD's for $150 or $160 (Widescreen and standard, respectively). My girlfriend picked up the widescreen and so far I think it's quite nice.
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