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Everything posted by o_arlene

  1. anyone in the bel air, abingdon area (Maryland)??? its there much left patio stuff. Got to little ones and don't want to go for nothing
  2. where is the thread? upps find it
  3. Jjajaa is good to know I'm not alone!!! this is a hobby for me and I enjoy it a lot!
  4. $5 for a year!!! that's a deal
  5. Yeah that was long for me too. But I was looking at another places, like amazon and the reviews says the magazines take 14 weeks to delivery so I guess is the magazine in general. other than that this is great price
  6. Thanks is a good deal. Last week I was about to buy a suscription directly with ok magazine 22 issues for $20 dollars. So for $5 more I get the whole year!! Thanks to the person that posted the code I also got the 15%off.
  7. I'm in Harford County Maryland so I guess is a now...thanks!
  8. so patio furniture went down to 75% anyone can confirm?
  9. I saw the sign that says the store would change to Rite Aid...but didn't think there was a sale. so thanks for the heads up!!!
  10. that's crazy made me laugh $8.72 + $183.00 shipping!!!!!
  11. find yesterday an "entertainment/gaming console" 75%off from $79.99 to $19.99 I was so happy because we went there exactly looking for something like that. We wanted an inexpensive tv/dvd stand for our 4year old room. So this gas perfect!!
  12. I'ts been a long time since I got really good deals at target. Kind of sad:( I did find today jeans for girls 50% and a shirt also 50%....waiting for better deals!!!!
  13. thanks I used a credit card. I will try to return tomorrow! Thanks that was fast!!!!
  14. I have a question. does target accept returns without the recipe? I bought a baby carrier for $35 dollars two weeks ago. Today I find the same carrier at $15 at a Ross store. I bought it thinking that I still got the target recipe but know I can't find it. Help!!
  15. I find the Scene It: Friends!! Thanks I'm a big fan went to 3 different stores and finally find It a the last one. Thanks for the info!!!
  16. What Brand of DVD player?? Prices???? Thanks!
  17. Can You tell me what kind of ab machine? UPC??thanks
  18. I find some at Sears for my 4 year old (winter) for $1.50 and $2.50. I think Children's Place should have some on sale too. A lot of places have winter pj's on sale now.. good luck!
  19. Find some good deals in toys...place mi order saturday receive my first item yesterday...expecting delivery of other today..that was fast!!!!
  20. My due date is january 24 hope I can find something before that...what its usually on sale???
  21. Last week Target have the Interactive Barbie (Genevie from 12 dancing princess) for $39.99 and the this exact mat free (with the purchase of the barbie) I think that was a good deal because I almost got the mat for $30 at toysrus...but my daughter also wanted the doll.
  22. they gave me the 20% off coupon after I paid...I din't know I could use it with the 50% sale!! so I guess be going back...I'm 8 months pregnant and still need a lot of stuff...
  23. Hey Everyone!! Carter's and Oshkosh are having an entire store 50% off...check their website to find out when it finish..I know oshkosh finish tomorrow..carter's don't know...have fun shopping:cheesy:
  24. I was checking target today and they have the V Rocker Chair for $33 dollars (the same price of black friday) I don't know if this is a Cyber Monday special or what...good luck
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