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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Thanks to everyone who has PMed me. We're still weeks away from needing anyone, so I haven't contacted anyone back yet. When we get closer to BF I'll start contacting those who we could use :)
  2. don't forget about sites like www.plasticjungle.com where you can buy gift cards at varying discounts. if you know you'll be spending $ at a certain store on BF (or whenever), it's an easy way to save 5-20% or so (plus if you pay with a credit card you could possibly earn CC rewards with the purchase).
  3. I have a lot of regular GD t-shirts left that I'd like to get rid of, so I haven't decided if I'll get BF-specific shirts this year or not. If I do, it will be a limited number and they will be the same design as last year. I'll post more info when things are finalized.
  4. It's that time where we start looking for possible volunteers for various Black Friday-related tasks on the site. Below you'll find some descriptions of things that we might need help with. If you want to help out, please PM me and let me know which of the items below you'd be interested in helping with along with any related experience/skills you may have. We likely won't need any additional mods for the BF forums beyond those who've helped out in the past (I'll be contacting those of you who were mods last year soon). If that changes I'll make another thread looking for help. Here is what we're looking for: - We'll need a few people to help link the thousands of Black Friday ad items to the product pages on the store web sites. This involves looking at the BF ad and searching for the same item on that store's site and pasting that link in a special form. - New this year, we're looking for people interested in writing feature articles for the BF site. If you have an interesting BF-related topic that you could write about, let us know. We'll post your article on the site, and maybe even send out a press release about it. These articles could be about BF tips, your past experiences, "reviews" of the ads as they are posted, etc... - Similarly, we're also looking for people interested in creating unique YouTube videos about Black Friday and the site. These can be about anything you'd like as long as they are related to BF. We'll post these on our official YouTube page and post them on the site as well. - If there are any social networking "gurus" who'd like to help run our official Twitter and Facebook accounts, we could use that help as well. Engage our followers, try to grow our counts on these services, etc... Would be something nice to put on a resume as well. - We're always looking for help promoting the site. Tasks such as contacting media outlets and suggesting they do a story on GD, sending out our press releases, commenting on news stories / blogs / etc... and mentioning GD where appropriate. While these are volunteer positions, should you help out you will be rewarded for your time. You might also get other perks such as seeing ads before anyone else (always a popular benefit, lol). So again, if you are interested in any of these, send me a PM. Also, if you have something else that you can offer to help out this year, feel free to let me know about that as well. Thanks :)
  5. Brad

    Where are the ads?

    Yeah Walmart letter usually comes late September. Give them a few more weeks...
  6. Glad to see you back hosting this eve :)
  7. Missed another one, lol. I need to set an alarm or something, haha.
  8. The new Wii is the "Wii U" but it won't be out until next spring at the earliest (at least that's the last I heard), so it shouldn't affect the price of the current Wii much this year. Next year should be a different story though.
  9. Brad

    Where are the ads?

    haven't decided about t-shirts this year. i have so much other GD stuff to give away (including regular GD t-shirts) so i don't know if i want to order even more stuff. we'll probably have a few limited edition GD hoodies to give away this year too. not many, but a few.
  10. I always post a set of predictions for popular items and prices each year, but this year I thought I'd open it up to you all first and see what you have to predict for this year. So feel free to post items you think will be hot, price predictions for certain items, basically whatever you want. I'll use your thoughts along with my own when compiling the official GD predictions for this year that I'll post in the next week or two.
  11. Brad

    Where are the ads?

    can't believe i'm stuck doing this for another year. ugh
  12. Brad

    Where are the ads?

    It was either this or the annual "Is it just me or do the ads suck this year?" thread.
  13. Brad

    Where are the ads?

    Shouldn't they be leaked by now? (figured I'd beat everyone to it this year )
  14. Here are the dates (according to our records) when various ads were posted during the past 5 years: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/Dates And here are links to text lists of the items in the ads (at least the ones in our database) dating back to 2003: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/archives/2003.txt http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/archives/2004.txt http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/archives/2005.txt http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/archives/2006.txt http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/archives/2007.txt http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/archives/2008.txt http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/archives/2009.txt http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/archives/2010.txt
  15. I still don't know why you guys want it open so early, haha
  16. Thinking about opening the BF forums on Thursday (well at least the main BF forum, the store subforums can wait). That'll be exactly 3 months before BF. Seems like a good of a time as any.
  17. I got a shipping confirmation today from my first order from HP that I placed Friday night. That's it so far.
  18. Depending on how many of my various orders at different retailers get fulfilled, I may have one or more extra to give away here on the site at some point. No guarantees until I know how many actually ship.
  19. Let's use this one thread to discuss where these are in stock, reports about your previous orders shipping, and any other Touchpad discussion. I've merged the various other threads in here so we can keep everything together :)
  20. Isn't today (the 17th) the 100 day mark? It was according to some online calculator I tried, haha. 14 days left in August + 30 September + 31 October + 25 November = 100 days.
  21. We recently updated the vBulletin forum software. Part of that upgrade was a newer editor for posting/replying to messages (including the auto-save feature). In the past, we had a special add-on that showed all the smilies in the "quick reply" box. That add-on (which was not an official vB add-on) no longer works with the new vB version. So until that add-on is updated, to get the full set of similes you'll have to click the "Go Advanced" button and then on the right side of the message box you can click the [More] link under the smilies shown to see the full list. I'll see if I can do anything to make things easier in the meantime. I'm also thinking of updating the smilies (and the stock avatars) soon as well.
  22. As always, we have several dedicated threads for the hotter items each Black Friday. Please try to keep all discussion related to these items in their official threads. Other threads posted will likely be merged into this main thread.
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