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Everything posted by Brad

  1. New quarter, new thread. Since the 'thread summary' notation was barely being used, I've decided to end that. PerimeterPerusing.com will now just redirect to this sub-forum instead. Hopefully we can increase the activity in this thread compared to last quarter. Please remember to post your finds in here for everyone's benefit. Thanks
  2. Hello everyone, Over the past year or so, we've noticed much less activity in this sub-forum, and the current activity level just does not support keeping it as a dedicated sub-forum. However rather than immediately close it, we're going to give it one more chance, but it's up to you, the GD community, to decide if it's worth saving. You can express your desire to keep it by contributing and posting new freebie threads to generate some activity in here. We will re-evaluate the activity level of this forum at a later date and it is at that point that we'll make the decision regarding the long-term viability of this sub-forum. This is one of the non-deal forums that we added as a convenience to the members, so I personally can't devote much time to it as it doesn't generate much revenue for the site compared to the core deal forums, so it's up to you all if you want to see it stay. So to sum it up, if you want to see this forum stick around, start posting some new freebies threads so we can see the value in keeping it. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to post here or PM me.
  3. We're in the process of making some changes to the organization of the forum to streamline things and focus on the more active forums. The first of these changes is the removal of the Grocery Coupons forum. Other than the 2 popular 'coupon train' threads, that forum just was not getting used enough to warrant an entire sub-forum. So we have removed the forum and have moved the 2 Coupon Train threads to the Deal Discussion forum. They are stickied right at the top of that forum, so if you are a member of either train (or would like to join the train), see one or both of those threads - they are easy to find If you'd like to discuss another grocery coupon related topic, feel free to post a thread in the catch-all Deal Discussion forum, or one of the other forums if it more closely matches your topic. If you have any questions, feel free to reply to PM me.
  4. Congrats to DJ615 on the win. Check your PMs to claim your prize Look for more contests soon...
  5. Already a few signups where the entry name doesn't match any forum member. Again, if your entry name doesn't match an existing forum account, you won't win the prize if you are in 1st place. You can edit your entry settings and change the name, so I'd suggest doing that if you want to win...
  6. Once again we are going to have a pool for the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament. The winner this year will receive a $25 gift card to the store/web site of their choice. All participants must be registered GottaDeal.com Forum members as of the start of the tournament. Any winner not meeting this criteria will not receive the prize. Don't have an account? Click the register link above. Anyone found to have created multiple accounts to get multiple entries will be disqualified (and possibly banned). To sign up, go here: http://games.espn.go.com/tournament-challenge-bracket/en/group?groupID=36901 When prompted for the group password, enter blackfriday IMPORTANT! When creating your bracket entry, be sure to make your ENTRY name (not your main ESPN account username) the same as your forum username so we know who each entry corresponds to. If we can't match up the winning entry to your username, you won't win the prize. See here: http://i.gottadeal.com/main/images/tourney.jpg The brackets will be announced later tonight, but you can sign up right now if you'd like. Good luck to everyone!
  7. they never really have online coupons, and for in-store, it's usually just the ones they mail to reward zone members every few months.
  8. Considering they always have one of the largest ads (which takes wayyyyy too much time to type up and post), I hope they either don't have a BF ad or that this new scheme fails so horribly that they go out of business before then
  9. Almost seemed like a paid-for spot. A lot of people on Consumerist agreed... http://consumerist.com/2012/01/someone-at-cnbc-has-a-crush-on-geek-squad.html
  10. When possible, please link directly to the books on Amazon rather than 3rd party sites, which are often affiliates that compete with GD. Thanks
  11. Yeah if you want something like this, just post a thread in the freebies and have at it. If you want me to sticky it, let me know.
  12. That pic can't be the actual tree. It only looks 15-20' at the most.
  13. I'm saddened at the fact that the really killer deals are over and none of you seems to be buying anything through the site anymore On the bright side, I don't have to be attached to a computer 24/7 anymore
  14. Home Alone (but I don't think it will make a difference in the voting...)
  15. We've closed the BF & holiday forums on the 27th the last 3 or 4 years. This year is nothing different. I moved the movie tournament and a few other ongoing threads to the Lounge anticipating the complaints if I didn't (and I still got them, lol) I also posted a final post in the closed forum letting people know where to post their BF or holiday related threads from now on
  16. Details here: http://www.gottadeal.com/App You can find it in the App Store on iOS devices or in the Android Market on Android devices.
  17. Story: http://old.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111227/ap_on_re_us/us_sears_store_closings
  18. As we've done on this date the last few years, we'll be closing and archiving the BF & Holiday forums today. I will move a few of the threads (holiday exchange, movie tournament, "what did santa bring you") to the Lounge as those are still ongoing. If you have something holiday or BF-related to discuss, here are some pointers: - general holiday discussion should go in the Lounge (assuming you have access) - discussion of BF items, returns, shipping issues, etc... should go in Deal Discussion We'll open the BF forums back up for BF 2012 in August/September
  19. it was at the sale price when it was posted yesterday. they then raised the price.
  20. Merry Christmas to all my loyal subjects.... errr I mean to all of you great forum members
  21. That was the Wednesday before BF (always the biggest day of the year for the site) so all the ads were already out by then. We had a very big news story hit (likely appearing on CNN's home page) that was unplanned and brought a huge amount of traffic to the BF site. Shortly before that story hit, we had posted a big, prominent link to the BF forum on the main BF site because we had posted all the online sale info on the forum, so when all that CNN traffic went to the BF site, many of them also clicked that big link to the forum which caused the spike here. We usually never have such a prominent "CLICK HERE" link to the forum on the BF site, which is a big reason that record hasn't been broken yet. There have been many occasions since that day when we've gotten more traffic (including a few times this year), but we'd rather have people on the BF site than the forum. So basically, if we wanted to set a new record, I could do it fairly easily whenever we get a big news story, but there hasn't been a reason to send all that traffic to the forum instead of keeping them on the BF site where the ads are. The servers can handle the surge of traffic much better on the BF site compared to the forum. When that record was hit back in 2007, I doubt many of those 3,677 people could access the forum because the servers were so overloaded, so that record doesn't matter too much to me.
  22. Here's mine. These things are tough to get good photos of, lol.
  23. Their site was run by Amazon until this year. This was their first holiday season on their own. Guess they weren't ready...
  24. 90% off starts Tuesday... Start Date: 12/20/11 Expiration Date: 12/24/11 90% off! $1 for most $25 Gift Certificates with code JOY www.restaurant.com
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