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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Can you be more specific or post a screenshot?
  2. The help section is good for explaining many of the basics of the new system: http://forums.gottadeal.com/index.php?app=core&module=help
  3. One "issue" you may notice is a bunch of your old PMs appearing as "new" in the list. You can quickly select all and mark them read to get them out of your new folder. This new forum has a more advanced PM system so older messages will look a little different.
  4. If a thread has new posts since your last visit, it'll have a dot (or star if you've posted in that thread) next to the thread title when viewing the forum. If you click that dot, it'll automatically take you to the first unread post in that thread.
  5. Looks like there is an option, but it's on a forum-wide basis, so everyone would have to view threads that way. I can most likely custom code something that would turn it on for you only, so give me a few days to iron out any bugs that come up with the rest of the board and then I'll work on it for you
  6. Like when viewing a thread? I didn't even know that was an option on the old board. I'll look into it.
  7. So here's the new software. There is a lot to explore. Please use this thread to post bugs, questions and problems that you run into. I strongly suggest you go to your profile and make sure your avatar is showing up (or upload a new one if yours is blank). Also be sure to fill out any personal info (location, etc...) that you'd like to share on your profile page. Some of the old info was lost in the conversion.
  8. Yes, you'll be able to upload animated avatars. There are some places where a thumbnail pic of your avatar will show up that won't be animated, but next to posts they will be. Of course that's as long as everyone doesn't switch to annoying headache-inducing flashing avatars
  9. The forum will be closed on Sunday, June 30th beginning at 12pm ET (9am PT) while we switch forum software. The process should take around 5-6 hours total. We hope to open the new forum back up by 6pm ET (3pm PT). We'll be switching the forum software from vBulletin to IPBoard. We know that the change will be somewhat disorienting at first given that we've been using the same software for the 9+ years we've had this forum, but we've been working hard behind the scenes to keep things looking as close to the current board as possible. Some answers to possible questions you may have: Will I have to register again? No. Your username and password will remain the same. Will we lose any important data? No. All forums, threads, posts, PMs, etc... are going to be transferred. What about my avatar & smileys? The smileys will stay. If you are using a custom avatar, it will be transferred. If you are using one of the "stock" avatars, you'll have to upload a new avatar as the new software doesn't have stock avatars. Anyone can create a custom avatar - no minimum post amount needed anymore. If you have one of the stock avatars that you want to continue, we'll let you know how to do it. Why are we switching? The new software is much more modern, both in terms of what you'll see and the behind-the-scenes areas that myself and the mods use on a daily basis. We've been patching and updating the current software for 9 years and it is showing its age in many ways. What's going to be new? Lots of things. New cleaner interface, new notification system, new PM features, new integrated chat room, the ability to "Like" posts if you find them useful, optional Facebook integration, better spam protection & more features coming soon. I've spent the last week going over every part of the new software to make sure it'll meet our needs. We've had some of our mods and regular members test it out so far as well and the response has been very positive. I'll create a thread on the "new" board where you can ask questions such as "where do I do this?" or "what does this do?". As with any major conversion like this, there is a small chance things could go wrong. However if that happens we'll just keep this board running until we can get those issues ironed out. We're not touching the current board until we know the new one is working perfectly. I've already done a test conversion and all the data transferred properly, so I'm not worried. If you have any questions, feel free to post in this thread. Thanks
  10. The "Fatal error: out of memory" error is something we are working on. We have more than enough memory on the server, so it's tough to find the reason. Rest assured myself and the techs at our hosting provider have been working on it virtually non-stop since yesterday. We're also seeing duplicate posts caused by this same error. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  11. Looks like we're also seeing some duplicate posts. Looking into that as well. Don't know how all these things can go wrong when I didn't touch the server/forum settings, haha.
  12. I saw the "out of memory" errors myself. I'm looking into it. Haven't made any changes to the server in months, so I don't know what the deal is. As for the repeated threads, I think there is (hopefully was) an issue with the Homepage Deals sub-forum that automatically gets the deals from the main site. I think I've fixed it, but we shall see over the next few hours.
  13. Starts today... www.kohls.com 30% code: SUNNY30 free shipping: SHIPFREE4U & free Kohl's Cash
  14. Starts today... www.kohls.com 30% code: SUNNY30 free shipping: SHIPFREE4U
  15. For anyone interested, I made a simple site with archives of all the BF ad scans I had dating back to 2007 here: http://www.blackfridayarchive.com No item listings, just the scans that you can browse.
  16. For anyone interested, I made a simple site with archives of all the BF ad scans I had dating back to 2007 here: http://www.blackfridayarchive.com No item listings, just the scans that you can browse.
  17. Where did the last 6 months go? :shock:Black Friday is on November 29th this year, the latest possible date.
  18. Yeah we had to make an unscheduled server move tonight which is the reason for the issues. You may run into problems for the next few hours until the DNS changes take effect for everyone, but things should be all good by morning.
  19. Yep, that's what most of these "Free Shipping Day" offer will be - the same old promotions they've been having for weeks/months/years Shame on WM for making it look like they had free shipping on everything w/ no fine print.
  20. We should know either way at midnight PST. It'll either be the deal of the day starting then, or one of the Lightning Deals so we'll know the time. I thought I was done for the year with these late nights waiting for deals, haha.
  21. We've had the "post your favorite recipe" contest in the Black Friday forum in past years - go through the archives and I'm sure you'll find a lot of great ideas that are timeless
  22. I didn't know. I just googled for: "what game" "kindle fire" and there was a thread on Amazon's forums asking the same question
  23. http://www.amazon.com/Fibble-Flick-Kindle-Tablet-Edition/dp/B0096DFQO2/ref=sr_1_1?s=mobile-apps&ie=UTF8&qid=1354465872&sr=1-1&keywords=fibble
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