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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/FamilyDollar Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/FamilyDollar PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-FamilyDollar-BF2014.pdf
  2. Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/GameStop Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/GameStop PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-GameStop-BF2014.pdf
  3. Here's the actual scan of the physical ad: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/MoreSales/BestBuy2
  4. Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/BassProShops Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/BassProShops PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-BassProShops-BF2014.pdf
  5. Also, something minor - if there is something you really want at a store like Target that has free shipping on everything this year, buy it right away, then go back for any other items in a second order. The time it takes you to browse for other items to add to your order might just enough time for the item you really wanted to go out of stock and there's no need to buy a bunch of items at once to reach a shipping threshold.
  6. It's just another one of their online one-day sales. They sent us the list of items, but it's nothing to get excited about - no tires, nothing earth-shattering at all.
  7. Since most of the major ads are out, we're getting a lot of questions about online Black Friday shopping. We realize that while many of us have been doing Black Friday online shopping for years, there are some online BF newbies. To hopefully answer your questions before you have them, here are some answers: - In under a week, we'll launch our Online Black Friday Tracker. This is a single page which will have a schedule for when we believe* the online sales start (* more on that below), the details of the sales for many stores, any additional coupon codes you can use, links to relevant discussion threads and more. - Once the sales start, this tracker will also have links to lists of the Black Friday ad items that you can order online at the sale price at any given time. We update these lists throughout the week to keep things as accurate as we can. Bookmark the tracker and you'll be set. - If you're not signed up for our Black Friday mailing list, do it now (and make sure our emails aren't filtered into some folder you won't see them in). We send e-mails out as soon as the major sales start. Same goes with our Twitter account. We'll tweet when sales start. - There is no way to 100% know which items will be online and which won't. I don't think there's ever been a major store that has put 100% of their ad items online at the sale price. There's always some that are out of stock or the prices never change. Then there will be items marked as in-store only in the ads that will end up online too. You just have to be online when the sale goes live and take your chances. - Along with that, the schedule we post for the sales is very tentative. We take information we receive from the stores, from our affiliate managers, what's printed in the ad and what the stores have done in past years to come up with our best guess, but that's all it is - a guess. Stores have been notorious for doing things differently from what they tell us or even what they announce in the ad or a press release. But... - While you wait for the sales to start online, join us in the soon-to-be-crated Online Black Friday Shopping sub-forum. We'll have threads for each of the major stores where you can ask questions, complain when the sale doesn't start when it was supposed to, post links to the best deals you find and whatever else you can think of related to each online sale. - Want to relive the fun of past years' online sales (and all the complaining about stores like Best Buy who take their sweet time updating their site each year)? See our forum archives. It's also a good way to check what time each store's sale started in the past. - Adding items to your cart ahead of time doesn't work all the time. My suggestion: put the items in your cart if you want, but also have tabs/windows open for each item you are looking for so you'll be ready if you have to delete them from your cart and add them again. Also, some stores have special SKUs for their BF ad items which may not be the same as the ones they use the rest of the time. - Whenever possible, shop through the links you find here on the forum, on the Black Friday site or on the main GD site. The commissions we get from those sales (especially this time of year) are what makes this site exist. We do not get commissions on orders made through retailers' apps. I think that about covers it. If you have a question that wasn't answered above, feel free to post in this thread. Any other similar threads will be merged with this one. And if any online BF veterans have tips, suggestions, comments to add to this, please post them in here for everyone's benefit.
  8. What is the code? Is the $10 off $10 in-store only? There is always a 15% and it seems like inevitably someone finds a working 20% code after the sale starts and the first batch of orders are already placed
  9. There is no way to 100% know what items will be online and which won't. I don't think there's ever been a major (WM, BB, Target, etc...) store that has put 100% of their ad items online at the sale price. There's always some that are out of stock or the prices never change. Then there will be items marked as in-store only in the ads that will end up online too. You just have to be online when the sale goes live and take your chances. We'll have the schedule up in less than a week. You can also check the forum archives to see when online sales started in previous years and which stores people found the most items at. Edit: continue discussion here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/237416-in-this-thread-your-online-black-friday-shopping-questions-answered/
  10. For those of you still looking for a shirt, we have our last forum contest that ends tomorrow: http://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/237107-final-t-shirt-contest-take-a-virtual-shopping-spree-win-black-friday-t-shirts-ends-1117/ we're giving away 20 shirts and as of now there's only around that many replies, so you've got an amazingly good shot of winning.
  11. As those of you who've been around for past years know, the week of Black Friday as part of our soon-to-be-ready online Black Friday tracker we have a listing of all the Black Friday ad items that can be ordered online at the Black Friday ad prices at any given point in time. Of course those listings don't update themselves (believe me, we've tried, but it's just not reliable enough to automate it), so we always use a small army of forum members who will have free time during the week to update these items and help everyone out. So this is a call for those helpers. If you are selected to help, you'll be assigned one or more of the more popular stores that we have a Black Friday ad for and it will be your responsibility to check each item we have linked on the site and check a box if that item is in stock and available online at the sale price (or less). Not much experience needed - you need to know how to click a link to a product, verify the price and availability, and check or uncheck a box for that item, and then repeat for the entire ad for whatever store(s) you are assigned. You should be available to help the majority of the time from Tuesday night through Friday morning, depending on your store(s). If you can help most but not all of those days, let me know and we can match you up with someone else to team up on those stores. As always, anyone who helps out will get something for their help, likely a gift card. You'll also be helping out the huge number of shoppers who will visit the site the week of Black Friday. So if you are interested, please send me a PM and let me know your general availability for those days and I'll let you know if you've been chosen to help out and give you instructions and your assigned stores. Thanks And for those of you who can't help with this task but still want to help us, PLEASE spread the word about the Black Friday site to everyone you know. Thanks
  12. Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/BonTon Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/BonTon PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-BonTon-BF2014.pdf We'll also put copies of all their stores' ads (Carson's, Younkers, etc...) on the BF site, but the items on sale are the same.
  13. Looks like even turning off notifications doesn't help. I made myself un-anonymous and haven't even opened the app since and it shows me as anonymous, so we'll just have to deal with it until Tapatalk finds another way to do notifications without logging you in anonymously. I'm guessing if you completely uninstall the app your status would "stick" so that's an option too. We have a mobile version of the forum too which is another option if you don't want the app making you anonymous. Luckily nothing should change as far as how you use the forum. We don't have any restrictions on anonymous users or anything like that so other than the status, there's no difference.
  14. Glad everyone is getting their shirts. The Represent.com orders should ship this week. If you check the e-mail confirmation for those there is a link to track the status of your order. You might even have a tracking number by now. We have the last contest that ends on Monday and then I'll ship the next big batch of shirts on Tuesday.
  15. Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/NavyExchange PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-NavyExchange-BF2014.pdf
  16. So if you show as anonymous and you don't want to, you could try disabling notifications in the app and then log out and back in. No guarantee it'll work but you can try.
  17. Looks like what is happening is that when the app (might just be Android version) checks for new notifications, it sets your account to be invisible, and since it checks every so often, even if you manually change it to not be invisible, the app will change it soon after. Nothing I can do right now as the app is from Tapatalk and anyone who runs a similar IPBoard forum and uses a Tapatalk-created app is having the same issues, but at least we now know what the cause is.
  18. Brad

    Lowes/Home Depot?

    Home Depot had lawyers contact us and others, so you likely won't see them anytime soon. Lowe's should be any day now.
  19. Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/OlympiaSports PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-OlympiaSports-BF2014.pdf
  20. Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/BedBathBeyond Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/BedBathBeyond PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-BedBathBeyond-BF2014.pdf
  21. Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/AnnasLinens Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/AnnasLinens PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-AnnasLinens-BF2014.pdf
  22. Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/ThingsRemembered Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/ThingsRemembered PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-ThingsRemembered-BF2014.pdf
  23. Not coupons, but don't forget that if you know you'll be buying stuff at a certain store, you can get discounted gift cards from places like Raise.com, CardCash and CardPool (and all of these have new customer coupons)
  24. Listing: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridaySales/Store/OldNavy Scans: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/BlackFridayScans/OldNavy PDF: http://i.gottadeal.com/blackfriday/scans/pdf/GottaDeal-OldNavy-BF2014.pdf
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