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twilight barbies

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My DD is a huge Twilight fan and I've been debating the barbies. I've found a couple places all online so I also have shipping costs) that have them (right now) for about 25.00 a piece but.. I can't decide if I should order them assuming once the movie comes out in November they will be hard to find OR if lots of folks have them coming in and I may find some deals on them.


Anyone heard anything about these items being hot or scarce for the holidays?

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I think that they are going to be hard to find. I want a set myself when they come out, and I know of lots of other "adults" who want them to collect themself. So, taking in the fact that adults and children together want these things, I have a feeling they are going to be scarce and hard to find. I personally would buy as soon as you find a set.
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hot topic has a set him and her now well at least monday they had them for $32.99 a set



Just note, these are not the Mattel "Barbie" Twilight dolls. I believe these are more like action figures. I got mine from Amazon for $25 shipped (each)

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