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PSP Go System - Black (Preorder) $212.49 @ DELL


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Does anyone know anything about this. My DS13 has the psp2000. I was looking at this for my DD11. She has a Nintendo DS. Or I was looking to upgrade her to the DSi. Can anyone tell me if there are any good games for girls on the PSP GO. I know with the DSi she could continue to play her DS games and there are always new ones coming out. I have noticed previously that the PSP games are more geared towards boys.



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I've never even heard of this system. I was thinking of getting DS11 a PSP for Xmas, as he has been asking for one. He has the DS now, but was looking to *upgrade* to a newer system. I'm kind of like you, he has alot of DS games right now, so if I went with the DSi, then he wouldn't need all new games with this new PSP. What to do :confused:...lol
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My brother who is 12 wants this....Im waiting for a bundle, but this is a great price!


This PSP is ok ..There's no longer a need to carry a UMD for each game; instead, all your media can be stored on the PSP go's 16-gigabyte hard drive or on a tiny memory stick. instead, you have to download software from Sony's PlayStation Store.


However since you already own a PSP, you'll want to hold onto it, because there's no way to transfer your UMD-based games to the PSP go. :(


Here is a web site that will tell you more....



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Does anyone know anything about this. My DS13 has the psp2000. I was looking at this for my DD11. She has a Nintendo DS. Or I was looking to upgrade her to the DSi. Can anyone tell me if there are any good games for girls on the PSP GO. I know with the DSi she could continue to play her DS games and there are always new ones coming out. I have noticed previously that the PSP games are more geared towards boys.




I don't think that I would get this for a girl @ launch. I would wait and See what type of games PSN has that are geared towards girls... Personally, I would go with a DSi for a girl unless she is really into gaming. Keep in mind, that you cannot use existing UMD's with this system and you can only buy your games via download. No more playing a game and deciding you don't like it and selling it to get something else...

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I don't think that I would get this for a girl @ launch. I would wait and See what type of games PSN has that are geared towards girls... Personally, I would go with a DSi for a girl unless she is really into gaming. Keep in mind, that you cannot use existing UMD's with this system and you can only buy your games via download. No more playing a game and deciding you don't like it and selling it to get something else...

Thats what I thought too. My Son has the PSP slim and I see that most if not all the games are geared for boys. I am thinking of taking her DS lite and trading it in towards a DSI and that would be her main gift for Xmas. She has tons of games for her DS and I know she is asking for new DS games like Imagine Detective.


Thanks everyone!!!!

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