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Topsy Turvy

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my husband wants the one on the stand. of course Im looking for a good deal for it... Any ideas???

YOu can get the Topsy at Target for $10 or Lakeside for $7.50 (if buying more than one than shipping is not bad) and then maybe find a stand at Walmart, Lowes or places like that. Walmart may bring it in too but as of a couple of weeks ago, ours didn't have them in or out, just seeds.

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I'm watching the topsy turvy infomercial right now, and it's the one with the stand. 2 payments of $19.99.

but wait...

if you call within the next few minutes you get the strawberry topsy turvy thing too... for free... you just pay S&H. ;):tongue1:


www.topsytree.com (If that's the one you're looking for)



I think I might try to find the $10 at Target and just hang it on a shepherd's hook.

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somewhere on the net there is instructions on how to make one with a 5 gallon pail. Probably not as cute as the topsy turvy but more economical.

Good Luck. Keep us posted about the amount of tomatoes produced. TIA

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I got mine at Walgreens BUT the ones you find in the stores do not come with stands. Also, the one they are advertising on TV now has holes in the sides for 2 or 3 plants and the ones in the store you just have the hole in the bottom so you need 1 bag for each plant. This is my first year using it so we'll see how they go...I planted 2 tomato plants in the topsy turvy and 3 more in a long flower box--we'll see which does better. I've been told (by a friend) that his neighbor had really good luck with the Topsy Turvy last year.
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have you hung them yet? I hope your shepherd's hook is EXTREMELY sturdy because these things are VERY heavy when filled with dirt. Mine are hanging from a BIG tree limb.

nope we were going to buy them next weekend. We do have a lareg tree out back so maybe we should safe a few bucks and just hng them from there. Thanks!

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