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Which Walmart?


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This will be my first year starting out at Walmart. I am lucky enough to have two close to me, one large and one small. Which one will I be likely to have better luck at? Will the larger store have more stock of sale items?

Any tips for a Walmart newbie are appreciated :)

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I know this is not the answer you want to hear, but it depends. I now live in a major city with about 10 walmarts nearby... the smaller ones here sell out faster because people think they will have better luck there and do not go to the big ones. When I lived in the sticks the larger one sold out faster. My advice, go to both this year to plan for next year.
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I wonder if you called WM and asked them how many of the item you want they will have in stock on BF if they would tell you?


I thought about the same thing. I am thinking that the Super WM will have more selection but there will also be more people so it could really be an even draw. It's probably just one of those things that you'll have to see what happens.

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