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Blu-Ray Player worth 200?

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Hey guys, I was in target tonight and saw a great deal on a Sony Blu-Ray player BDP-S300. It was originally $400 but was marked down to $195. I wasn't sure and since this was the only one left (not floor model), I bought it. I brought it home, read a Cnet.com review (6.5/10). I then went to Blockbuster and rented Spiderman 3. The player is hooked up via HDMI to a Sony 37" RPLCD HDTV (760p). I watched most of Spiderman 3 tonight (will finish tomorrow) and I am not sure if I want to keep the blu-ray player. It is super clear but is it worth $200? All the blu-ray dvds are $25-35 although we can rent them for $5 @ blockbuster. Right now I have about 100 reg dvds and a phillips up-convert dvd player, which until I bought the blu-ray was great.


For those of you who have a blu-ray player, do you like it? Also is there that much of a difference on a 37" TV? I am 50/50 on whether to keep it If I decide to return it, there isn't a restocking fee as I can package it back up to just the way it came. I just don't want to return it and regret it in 6 months as the Blu Ray players are still $300+.

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I like mine... but it is a PS3... We dont have very many blu-rays. Obviously you have the $200 but.... it really depends on if youre going to shell out the money for the discs. If youre not ready/willing ot do that take it back... upconverting dvd plays are nice for those of us who are cheap :D
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You will probably get a price close to $200.00 for a blue ray player on black Friday anyway. You got a great bargain. keep renting from blockbuster. If you are a blockbuster rewards member, you can rent one and get one free Monday through Wednesday plus get a free rental every month. Everytime I go to rent, it is Blue ray first then the regular dvds. There is no comparison. By the way, you mentioned you have 100 reg dvds. I remember years ago my uncle had over 200 VSH movies. I wonder what he did with them? Eventually, we all have to embrace blue ray sooner or later.
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We had a PS3 and only watched a few bluerays. For that price I would say keep it, if you can. You are probably going to buy one in the future. I am personally kicking myself in the butt, we sold our PS3 and bought a Wii because I wanted the Wii Fit and no one was really playing it anymore. I don't see much difference in the movies but I also think alot of it is your TV to.
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I would say no. Sub 100$ prices with a standardized format is when you should buy.


Upconversion dvd players show alot of protential when hooked to a 1080 tv. MY 2 cents. :)

There is a standardized format now which is Blu-Ray...As for 1080P it doesn't really matter unless your TV is larger than 42".


It really is a personal preference. I love Blu-Ray over standard def for certain movies (Cars comes to mind). But then there are other movies when it doesn't make much of a difference. I haven't watched Spiderman 3 in BluRay so can't comment. I think you got a great deal and it is probably worth keeping. I would try a few more movies before you decide, especially ones enhanced for BluRay. Transformers is supposed to be awesome in Bluray...may want to try that one.

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There is a standardized format now which is Blu-Ray...As for 1080P it doesn't really matter unless your TV is larger than 42".


It really is a personal preference. I love Blu-Ray over standard def for certain movies (Cars comes to mind). But then there are other movies when it doesn't make much of a difference. I haven't watched Spiderman 3 in BluRay so can't comment. I think you got a great deal and it is probably worth keeping. I would try a few more movies before you decide, especially ones enhanced for BluRay. Transformers is supposed to be awesome in Bluray...may want to try that one.

Transformers in Bluray is amazing! Same with The Reaping. Horrible movie, but OMG is the picture AMAZING.


I'll tell ya what, I didn't really "see" the big deal in Bluray right away. Then one day I was watching Oceans Thirteen, and I noticed how awful the picture looked (admittedly, after watching the The Reaping). Ever since, I've been a Bluray fanboy!

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