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Wii Bundle in stock $349.99 @ Gamestop.com


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GameStop has a new Wii bundle for only $349.99. Hurry before it is gone!



This Nintendo Wii Accessory Bundle includes the following items:

Nintendo Wii system (system, remote controller, nunchuck, stand, sensor and Wii Sports)

Wii Charge Station (Dual port rapid recharging dock, 2 rechargeable NiMH battery packs, rubberized battery covers and 6 foot power cable. *Does not include additional remote controllers)

1 additional Wii Nunchuck Controller

Wii Play with Remote



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And the average price is $350??

That is about what you will pay for a Wii bundle. The Wii console by itself is running about $249 I believe but they are very difficult to find in stores right now. The WM near me has been out of them for months and same thing for Target. At Target they even have a sign in the display case where they should be saying "we don't have any and we don't know when we will get any." I guess they are tired of people asking about them, lol!

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If you plan on getting one for Christmas, you definitely need to start looking now. Last year at Christmas, my daughter sold her used Wii on eBay for $450 with a couple of games. Since they still aren't plentiful, I bet the prices will be crazy again this Christmas.
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when we bought it we bout wii (250) extra wiimote with game *wiiPlay* (50) extra nunchucks(20x3) normal wiimote (40) so it was closer to 400 to have enough for all 3 members of family could play


and if you want to play any of the download games you need the extra game controller extensions(20 each)


then of course gamecube controllers if you want to play game cube games, wii zapper, wii fishing reel, wii fit...LOL

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There are a few retailers that have them...when I was looking for a wii I would check www.zoolert.com and another site that I can't get the link to show up on here for some reason. I have been going nuts lately trying to get a wii fit! Every once in a while a bundle is available, but the shipping on them are ridiculous. Plus, add in my horrible dial-up (because I can't get cable or dsl where I live) and the frustration doubles!
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Wii Fit is worth the $20 in shipping you have to pay if you grab the Toysrus.com bundle. I called the store and they said I could return the $30 bag that came in the bundle which I do not want. wiialertsdotcom can help you find it as well. I know it does come in stock a few other places by itself, but I have only used it for a week now and I would probably pay $40 in shipping (and I'm one who HATES to pay any shipping) just to have the Wii Fit. I can already feel myself getting in better shape after only a few days and I actually look FORWARD to exercising each night - imagine that! :)
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