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Looking for the Crazy Cluck Chicken

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Has anyone seen "The Crazy Cluck Chicken" that flaps and waddles around while doing the "Chicken Dance," clucking and flapping his wings in sync with the melody? I am looking for it at a store rather than the internet. Shipping is too high. I have a son who collects chickens and he would die for one of these. Thanks for any help!



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I'm sure that it will drive me nuts, too, but my DS8 has started a collection of rubber chickens. Last year at easter he got the rubber chicken that lays an egg when you squeeze it and he got the slingshot chicken for Christmas. He was saying the other day that he couldn't wait to see what chicken the Easter Bunny would bring. I then realized that I haven't found a chicken yet! :eek: This one looks like it will drive his older brother nuts, so it may be worth finding.:D
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