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Little Mommy Real Loving Baby Doll


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I believe she does close her eyes...


Doll Features:


With the Little Mommy Baby Doll, an interactive infant doll that can be nurtured every day, girls can pretend to have their very own baby. They can name their doll and through speech and hearing capabilities, the doll will recognize her name, ask for her bottle, play peekaboo with giggles, take her blanket to sleep and more.

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I just called our store and they are $69 and they have plenty. I asked if they price matched other Sams and she said no:( I looked at them yesterday at Sams and they were that price, I was just hoping they dropped the price today. No such luck.



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That is an awesome price. I bought one from target last month for $39.97 but then I saw a chou chou doll that is very similiar and interactive for less than half that price so I bought that one instead and am taking the other back to Target.
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