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GameCube System (Refurbished) - $29.99 @ GameStop.com

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the game cube is so much fun my son has his xbox 360 and playstation but me and my daughter play this all the time. theres a ton of games for it . we have shrek ,spongebob, and the mario party games. good deal!

Still good!

My dd and I still play her GCregularly. However, when one of her controllers died I had a hard time finding a replacement. I've also noticed that the game titles have been decreasing since they are phasing it out in favor of the Wii. I decided to upgrade to the Wii this Xmas (shhhh! dd has no idea) for those reasons and because she can play her GC games and use her GC memory card on the Wii. This is still a good deal for $30 though...i think dd's father paid >$100 for hers a 4-5 years ago.

Cheapest I've seen it. If you can't get a Wii getting this and a lot of games is a decent alternative. The Wii can use gamecube controllers for a lot of games and it will play GC games too.

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