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TV's already in carts waiting for us!! (and WRONG tv!)

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So I was 12th in lone at target bright n' cold n'early this morning and about 5:45 a security guard came out and told us that all the tvs were in the aisle near the jewelery and already in carts.

HOW AWESOME.:cheesy: sooo I ran back there.. and there were carts lining both sides of the aisle with one tv in each cart.. so all I had to do was run to a cart and take the cart.


was it like this in other Targets too? I thought it was so awesome. people didn't have to fight to get a cart then bring the cart to a pile of tv's and try to get it in the cart first.. like in walmart.


ALSO my Target messed up on the olevias...:no: they put the 42" tvs in the carts as well so some people thought these were the $549 Olevias that were in the paper.. when they got to the checkout they were $900 something!! Luckily i knew the specs on the 37" and read the box carefully.

I think whoever put them in the carts really screwed up because people were bringing them back!

Any of this happen anywhere else??

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