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Leapster, v-tech hand held, or pixter


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my kids have a leapster and they each completely love it!! I bought them when they were 4, and they are now 5 and 7 and they are still playing it. It has a great variety of games (over 40 different ones I believe) all at varying levels so that they can grow with it. We are getting my oldest a gameboy this year, so I doubt his leapster will get much use anymore, but I would definetely vote for the Leapster.


I also preferred them playing educational games instead of regular video games. Only word of advice is to buy rechargable batteries, cause if she loves it as much as mine do, you'll go through them like hotcakes.



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My DS just got the Leapster for his Bday. He loves this toy. He plays it everyday. I was actually going to get my son the Pixtar from TRU, but when Iwent to look at it at the store it doesn't come with the games, so you have to buy them seperate and I didn't see any games at TRU for this product. But I am glad he got the Leapster, it was on my xmas list for him. I too am grateful that he loves these video games rather then that mess you see and hear about. I can never understand why parents allow their children to play such harsh video games. I like those commericals that say GO play your video games. It's a must in my house. I love all the educational video games. MY DS is 4 and now I am looking to buy my 9mnth old DD a Vsmile Baby system. I LOVE THEM.
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My older kids were never into the pixtars--of course they offer a bit more than they used to, but the ones we had they played a couples times then never again. I just got my ds a vtech handheld. The reason for this is that we already have a lot of vtech games for the vtech console. That way, he'll have a bunch of games to choose from with what he has and what I add to it. I just think it would've been nice if they came out with the handheld first, as I never would've gotten the console. Oh well--we've definitely gotten our money's worth, and I appreciate the different age recommendations for the games. He's had his console for a couple years now, but he's been able to grow with it.
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