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TigerDirect Spins Black Friday as Charitable Pink Friday [NOW ONLINE!]

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Black Friday, the busiest (offline) shopping day of the year, is almost upon us. Despite your protests to the contrary, you know you're going to shop next Friday, so why not do something positive while you're at it?


The goal is to raise awareness and money for Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the fight against breast cancer.


Additional Information and Press Releases at: http://pinkfriday.org/


Information on the sale will be posted on TigerDirect.com on Wednesday, November 21st


(I'm sure TigerDirect has the best of intentions with this, but those of you familiar with them and their inability to handle mail-in rebates promptly (if at all) can probably make your own snarky comments about the Komen foundation not getting their donations right away... :P)

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