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Don't know if anyone has a Justice near them but my daughters go gaga for this store... BF weekend their sale is buy one get 50% off on everything in the store, and the sales lady said you could use the 20% off your purchase coupon that comes in the mail/catalog ... I have 3 but I think they all expired before that I'll have to check.
I just checked the coupon that I have expires on the 20th. Figures!!! Just like it figures that they would open one of theese up right next to our closest grocery store. I can't take my 3 year old daughter to go buy bread without going in there. Right now the only shirts she will wear have that stupid monkey on them. I hope she grows out of this phase soon or I am going to have to start dipping into her college fund. lol
Yeah I pretty much normally only buy stuff on clearance here.. one of my DD7's friends had her birthday party there last weekend. They had a blast but they gave them headsets and those fingerless long sleeve gloves to keep. She did not take them off for 3 days and they were so nasty.. they were yarn like material so you know a wash did not help. I had to go back today because I remembered that they had 2 shirts on clearance that came with the arm thingies but they were the stretch material ... I bought one for the 2 older girls to try and stop them from wearing the other things lol!!
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