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PSP Core video game w/ 5 movies $169.99


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no, if they are on the PSP, then they are the UMD format which is a dead format and only plays on the PSP (which is getting beat badly by the DS Lite, so who knows if the PSP will survive. It's like getting five betamax movies. Still, if you want a PSP, it's not a bad deal, but seriously, they can't seem to give away UMD movies any more.
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It's basically saving $25, since you can get most of the movies for $5 now, unless they are brand spanking new.


I would expect a price drop before too much longer, although I doubt it will be before Christmas. They just added a silver one, which makes me think they are scraping the bottom. Between the DS, Wii, and 360, Sony doesn't look so hot.

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