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Free TiVo Series 2 Digital Video Recorder Plus $31 Cash Back After Rebate @ Buy.com

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We have both Tivo and a cable box DVR. (The Tivo has lifetime but we wanted HD so we have both). The Tivo is so so much easier to use. You can record to a DVD if you use the Tivo server software on your computer and hook the Tivo to your network. (Look online there are several places that show you how to do it) You can't transfer shows off the cable version. Tivo really is a great service. If the HD version wasn't so expensive I would dump the cable box in a heartbeat. By the way our cable co charges $14 per month for their crummy DVR.
So you can use TIVo with Cable? I called our cable company and they said no :( but DH says that cable would say no because they have their own DVR. Does anyone know how to set up the TIVo with cable?

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