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Am I the only one that doesn't go out on Black Friday?

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The 1st and only time I went was with my mother, sister and SIL's and it was over 10 yrs ago. Someone in the next aisle over was trying to get a large toy off of the top shelf by jumping up and knocking the item so that it would rock backwards and fall forwards. She didn't realize that she was also knocking all of the packages behind it. A HUGE metal tonka tractor fell on my head! I yelled out in pain, enough for everyone in 3 aisles to stop what they were doing to see what had happened, everyone except for her. My mother went around the corner and saw the woman trying it again with another toy so she explained to her that she was knocking boxes into the next aisle and hitting people, but the woman didn't care...she wanted that toy and that was all that mattered. In the meantime, someone else had gotten an employee who came over and told the woman to stop or leave the store. He also told her that all she had to do was ask an employee for help and they would have gotten the toys for her.


My BFF goes out every year and every year she comes home with a story about a battle she was in or saw. It's just not worth the few bucks you might save, if the stores even have what you want, which they usually don't...they just advertise the deals to get you in the door.


My family never did much BF shopping in the past, and I can sypathize with the dread of crowds, long waits in the dark night, or incessant commercialism. But last year a nephew and I tried it out for the first time, and my wife joined later in the day. We were traveling, but had rented a car and driven on the trip. (Almost couldn't get our luggage in the trunk going home.)


I agree with the comments about small children. It isn't fair to them. Find a way to leave them at home and do them and the rest of us a favor. :confused::tired:


Traveling? Pack light and take an empty piece of wheeled luggage. Shop for smaller items that fill the bag. You probably won't get an HDTV, but you would be surprised how many goodies you can get in one empty bag. (I always leave some room in my luggage for purchases). :cool:


The weather isn't cooperating so far this fall, but I hope it is bitter cold and snowing on Thanksgiving in my area (slim chance) so that I lot more people (mostly those who don't read this site) stay home, so there is more for me. ;)


I got out every year, but not one of my friends will go out. So you are definately not the only one. I ask every year and they look at me like Im nuts. LOL

Same here! Too bad you're in Ohio and I'm in Indiana, LOL! We could be BF buds :rwb:

You are not alone. I can't convince any of my friends to go. They just all think I'm insane. That's okay though, it's fun for me. My hubby is pretty good and will go with me if he HAS to. Last year I just hit a few places by myself because we didn't have a sitter and I didn't really want to brave it all alone. This year, my aunt may go with me. Either way, I'm going. All day.

Same here! Too bad you're in Ohio and I'm in Indiana, we could be BF buds! :cheesy:
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