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C9 Christmas Lights?


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Okay, now that the season is over, I am on a mission to re-do my lighting next year from those icicle lights to the more traditional, bigger bulbs. I am looking for the solid or ceramic type bulbs and maybe 50 or so feet of them (with the cords).


Anyone happen to see any of these at any of your after holiday shopping jaunts? I am finding a lot of different lights, just not what I want. :(


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Hi :-) Do you have a Kroger around you? I was in there today and they had a lot of them in all red on a green cord and 3-4 boxes that were red and green bulbs on green cord. They also had the C9 clear bulbs--but they aren't the ceramic's. They would be $2.50 a box. They also have the Christmas cookie dough down to 99 cents a package and they still have the blinkie up for the Toll House's $1/2 so I got 6 packs of Cookie Dough for $3.
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Hi Michelle :)


lol I do not have a Kroger near me either. I did get a supply at a local drugstore chain here (Long's). Found some replacement bulbs at the local Albertsons (75 cents for a pack of 4). So, I think I am set with 4/25' sets ($3 each) and the bulbs.


Now, to just convince hubby that he has to re-do the clips on the eaves next year. I will rub in the fact that I scored him that CD player for the car. ;)

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