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Decent (but basic) 35mm camera?

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I've been using my digital all year and got out the regular one for Christmas...and discovered it is *crap!* It was very cheap when I got it and is something like 7 or 8 years old. I need a new one. (Or do I? I do have the digital...is a regular camera unnecessary now?)


What I'd like in a camera is the ability to turn the flash on or off, or at least auto flash. My digital flashes every single time, even outside, which seems stupid to me. I'd also like to be able to zoom in. Other than that, I have no features I really need. I'm thinking of using Christmas money on this and want to know what the cheapest *decent* camera goes for. Thanks.

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Depending on what model digital camera you have you might not want to bother with a regular camera. A good way to find a nice one is to look for the 4+ star reviews at Amazon:




Then when you find one, post here and we'll see if we can find a deal better than Amazon on that model.

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