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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2007


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I was my Target today and I saw some Harry Potter Lego sets for 22. I don't know if anyone is interested but I could go back tommorrow and get them if they are still there.

If you could do that, I would GREATLY appreciate it. I need one more. I can send through paypal and give you my FedEx account number for shipping.

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Don't let DH look in my car!:eek:


Great night at Target, I can't believe there was anything left! All 75% off

2 Blenders -Kitchenaid & Black & Decker

1 Kitchenaid Mixer

1 Chefmate can opener

1 Delongi juicer

1 Back to basics Immersion blender

2 3 piece mixing bowls

1 Party crock

1 spatula

2 Smoothie mixes

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I was my Target today and I saw some Harry Potter Lego sets for 22. I don't know if anyone is interested but I could go back tommorrow and get them if they are still there.

I would love to have one also if they still have some. Just let me know if you get them and I can paypal you the money + shipping.

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Has anyone seen the soft serve ice cream maker go more than 30% off? That is all I have been able to find at Target....They have been at 30% for a few weeks here. That would be a great gift for my ds12.

Yes,I bought one today for 75% off. There were two and another lady was grabbing one as I put one in my cart.
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I was my Target today and I saw some Harry Potter Lego sets for 22. I don't know if anyone is interested but I could go back tommorrow and get them if they are still there.

Well add my name to the list teheheeh... I wouldnt even mind paying you a little extra for your gas and trouble. I also have a paypal account.


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Well add my name to the list teheheeh... I wouldnt even mind paying you a little extra for your gas and trouble. I also have a paypal account.


I didn't realize so many people weren't able to get these. I have one already so I gracefully bow out and let others have a chance.;)

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I didn't realize so many people weren't able to get these. I have one already so I gracefully bow out and let others have a chance.;)


Well, its interesting that not all Targets even had the HP sets, we didn't get any of the HP lego line this time. In fact, we don't have alot of the sets out there and they don't really clearance out here.

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I didn't realize so many people weren't able to get these. I have one already so I gracefully bow out and let others have a chance.;)

I would like to get one for my nephew but he hasnt been begging for it.. so if the others NEED it because their kiddos are "dying for it" then let them have it. I just thought it would be a great surprise for him. And no,I dont think all Targets got these because the one closest to me has never had them.
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Silly question, but can I just call Target and ask if and when something will be marked down? I have the Harry Potter set hiding but rather than go everyday to check it, if I just call the toy dept and ask, would they they tell me the price?

They may but then they may find it and buy it?

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Which store do you shop in?:g_think:


I'll race you there!! :gdrunner:



Oh no! I'm paranoid as it is. It took me 15 minutes to get the guts to hide the box, then I was sure security was watching me on the cameras, then I looked for other things to buy to shed the guilt, then I checked my hiding spots again, then I came home and checked online to see if they still showed in stock. Now all I need is the thought of an angry mob of GD's tearing the store upside down for them. It'll push me over the edge:no:

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Oh no! I'm paranoid as it is. It took me 15 minutes to get the guts to hide the box, then I was sure security was watching me on the cameras, then I looked for other things to buy to shed the guilt, then I checked my hiding spots again, then I came home and checked online to see if they still showed in stock. Now all I need is the thought of an angry mob of GD's tearing the store upside down for them. It'll push me over the edge:no:

Just an FYI. I had some stuff hidden, and the computer showed none in stock. But I went last week and they were still there, marked down to 75% and I bought them.

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My Target seems to have a strange clearance shedule lately. Toys that have been on clearance forever are still 30% and others go straight to 75% On Sunday when I was there they had the Dora Styling SAlon Chair thing from the new Dora line, marked to 10.48. Today I looked and it was only 3.74. In the Halloween department everything but the costumes are still full price, or so I thought. On one endcap mixed with toys, they had the Mr Potato Head pumpkin decorating kits marked 50% to 2.48.
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For my target it doesn't even show as a valid number at all :( It's rare that I put in my target's zipcode and the DCPI and get it to show anything other than the "we don't recognize" message.

look up the ASIN on Amazon and enter that instead. I had that problem earlier. Only the ASIN was working.

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