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Myself, DH, and 4 out of 5 of my kids have had the flu so I haven't been able to get out much at all lately! I've looked (at least twice) at every online store known to man and everyone is sold out of the Percussion tubes. Does anyone have them in the store or am I out of luck?


I guess this is really a two-part question: My son really wants a drum set for christmas but for a million reasons he's not getting one! Anyway, is there something that I could get that would be smaller and still make him happy? (he's 6, so anything resembling a drum would make him happy). Does anyone own one of these MiJam Drummer http://www.amazon.com/Blue-Box-International-LTD-Drummer/dp/B000FKOXYE/sr=1-9/qid=1166511141/ref=sr_1_9/103-8764178-2456653?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games


Just wondered if it was cool (and worked)! Thanks in advance for any help/advice!




I searched high and low for it and I finally found it at toysrus 2 hours away from here. My brother lives in florida and their sam's and best buy had them in stock. I found them at kbtoys for you but, they are $89.99. Here is the link. http://www.kbtoys.com/Results.html?formFirstTime_hdrsearchKBhead=Y&textSearch=1&FirstSearch=YES&previous_keywords=&D=Blue+Man+Group+Percussion+Tubes&place=ajnv&formState=&formInfo=T%7CD%7C0%7C255&formMap=&_e=4587e&_v=4587E3CEIo4Ma8C846C79579


Good luck.

Sorry you have been under the weather, good luck with the last minute shopping!!! I was in Target this weekend and they had the Blue Man Group tubes. Also, what about digital drums for your son? I bought my 10 year old a yamaha digital drum set. I have seen these at many stores, target, circuit city, best buy...range in price from $69-$79. Just a thought...

Thanks for all of the help. Are the digital drums nice? Can you plug headphones into them?

KBtoys.com is showing the percussion tubes out of stock. Although $89 seems higher than I thought they were.


Thanks for all of the help. Are the digital drums nice? Can you plug headphones into them?

KBtoys.com is showing the percussion tubes out of stock. Although $89 seems higher than I thought they were.

I'm not sure about headphones for the digital drums but they have been a popular item this year! Hope you have found the BMG tubes. I was in Best Buy yesterday and they had several of them...good luck and Merry Christmas.

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