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Making Gingerbread Houses

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Any different ideas for homemade ginger bread houses using graham crackers, white icing, etc.?

We use gumdrops, small candy canes, m&ms, etc. Any pictures anyone. I have 8 kids age 13 coming:eyepoppin


We used a kit today and made our gingerbread house and a tree. I will take a pic tomorrow. My dh made the tree with the kid's help and I was in charge of the house. I have to say the tree looks much better than my house, LOL. We are an unusual house in that my dh seems to be better at the girly stuff like cooking and decorating, LOL.


My kids had a great time though. The kits we used weren't very expensive - $7.99 each and really very, very easy.

I remember HAVING to make one in art class in school. I protested it from the begining. I despised the teacher to start with then she wanted me to use my art time to make a gingerbread house that we had to display in the gym and couldn't eat because there was no telling who would mess with them while on display. Mine was the only one not finished. It was all decorated but I just refused to put it together. She got so mad but passed me because It would have been nice had it been standing. lol:P
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