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floppy cables for floppy drives


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Newegg has some good prices. They offer volume discounts on some of the cables too. For instance, I could buy 25 rounded 18" Floppy Drive Cables for $52.44 incl. 3-day shipping.

Go here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?DEPA=0&type=&Description=floppy+cable&Submit=ENE&N=0&Ntk=all&Go.x=0&Go.y=0


Don't be afraid of the shipping charges (some will list shipping @ $4.99 each) because they discount shipping for multiple item purchases.


I doubt you'll find a pack of 25 available for purchase as one "item" in your cart... The only places buying in that quantity are generally system-builders and since the Floppy has pretty much reached the end of it's life cycle, it's not something that a supplier gets much call for.

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Yeah, checked Newegg, $52 for 25 cables is a joke. There are many cable e-tailors that offer cables and you pay actual shipping, I've just never done business at one and was curious if someone else has.

You could always find some seller on Ebay who seems to have a lot of them up for auction and make them an offer/proposal...

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