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Canon Powershot SD600 vs SD630

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I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I am looking to buy either a Canon SD600 or SD630 camera. Any advice/knowledge about which one I should get? Is it worth the extra $75 - $100 for the SD630? Also, anyone know of any great deals on either camera? I know Circuit city and Newegg both have the 600 for about $200. Thanks for the help!
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The thing I don't like about the 630 is there is no optical viewfinder. I know the LCD screen is 3 inches, but I really need the viewfinder to look through when I'm outside taking pictures in bright light. I missed the Dell deal on the 600 so am also looking everywhere for the best out the door deal. Good luck!
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I don't really know much about the 600 but I got the 630 a week or so ago and absolutely LOVE it! The pictures are great and its easy to use! I used to have a Kodak Easyshare and to me this is a big upgrade! Good luck on deciding!


Here is a side by side comparison of the two


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Right now on Dell website the 600 is 191 before tax and the 630 is 243 before tax. Shipping is free and these prices are after a 15 percent discount. I personally wanted the 630 for the larger screen, my sister loves her 600. Has anyone found a cheaper price on the 630? Oh, fyi, the prices show up this way in the cart.
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