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Different prices


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because each areais willing to pay different price. I was told once it was because if they pay the employees in one store more the prices are higher. Normally I would be spending BF at the cheaper store in my area, BUT they are adding on and making it a SWM and I will NOT go there BF.. what a mess
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Anyone know why some states, including Oklahoma, has different prices in the BF circular?

Hi I live in Wisconsin and ours are not the cheap prices either. Ours is because we can not sell below cost it is some dumb law maybe you guys have that law also. All I know is that the prices are different for Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerta Rico.


I wish they would change that laws cause it is not fair to the people in those states.


I bet you don't have the $4 generic drugs either do ya.


The governent is ripping off the people in those states I tell ya.

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Is the OK one cheaper or more expensive? Because if it's much cheaper, i'll be crossing the border! (it's about 2 hours, but we love the place!)

It's higher and I think we do have some stupid law that says a store can't sell below their cost. But I don't know how BB can get way with it since their BF ad is the same as other states.:mad:

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