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I know of a new item!


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WOW!!!! That's a big surprise!!



I wonder if it will be this tv. This is the only 52" on their website. Still a great deal!!



Blah, if its that one, then BLAH. I didn't get that last year when it was marked down alot. It's not that great of a TV :( Oh well ::crosses fingers:: let the other 7 be awesome

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I just saw the comercial and was only half paying attention but they were talking about this TV and they showed the picture, it was not an LCD I know that for a fact. But it was a very nice looking TV for that price $474. I got start paying more attention now that they are showing these commericals
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I just saw the comercial and was only half paying attention but they were talking about this TV and they showed the picture, it was not an LCD I know that for a fact. But it was a very nice looking TV for that price $474. I got start paying more attention now that they are showing these commericals

Dang! I've got to turn the tv on and keep an eye out today. I forgot that they were starting the commercials today.

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I just saw a commerical on TV for walmart, for Friday, for a 50" rca HDTV, not plasma or lcd, is the DLP (larger & heavier), for like $5-600. Has anyone else seen it? I am reasearching TV's for which one I want, and would like to llo at the specs, but I didn't catch if they put the model number on the ad.
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is this the one you seen????


if they are tv's that Wal_mart already has then that means rollbacks or clearance which would mean those of us in Wisconsin would get the same deals as everybody else!!!! This is 50"




this 52"



please tell us if either of these are the ones you seen.

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My boyfriend is so " I would never wait in line for any bargain...." LOL, until I mentioned the 50" tv, and the price, and now he is changing his tune to "You go to Best buy, I may be at walmart" HAHAHAHA, gets even the bah humbugs out of the house early I guess.
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that tv is already in the stores I was just at our store and it is there out on the floor so it can't be #8 cause they don't have an image for whatever #8 is. So in all honesty #8 will not be in any commercials if they don't have an image. right???


I mean this is one of the secrets perhaps but I don't think it is #8. I think there is actually something bigger??? not sure if bigger but something that would be a super seller more then what this would be.

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