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My 20 year old brother needs rain pants in men size small or medium (he wears 32 30 but his waist is smaller, just wears his pants lower). He does not need the rubber type, he needs the breathable type because he works outside in the cold rain and snow. I checked REI outet to no avail, and LL Bean. Any ideas? He needs it as cheap as possible.

Have you checked the sporting goods department at wal-mart? They may not be the same quality as LL Bean but they do have them for reasonable prices.


Dicks Sporting goods also has them.

Try Cabela's or Bass Pro Shop, especially sale catalogs. I bought grandson a whole set of Thinsulate hunting clothes for half of what it was normally. Cheap ones don't hold up very well. If its cold, trust me Gore-Tex and Thinsulate are wonderfulllllll..... Cabela's phone number is 800-237-4444. I have bought stuff from them for years and have always had good luck. Bass Pro Shop too, sometimes has really good sales.

Came across these and don't forget the $20 of $80 @ Amazon




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