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50" Vizio Plasma


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I researched it on the web and it gets great reviews, what is everyone else's thoughts on it? I am going to be camped out at CC rather then BB just to get a 50" plasma this cheap. I looked on the forums and there isn't really any talk about it. Is it a good deal, or am I just stupid and it sucks.
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For arguements sake, would you or anyone like to defend the fact that the Panasonic is worth 1000$ more then the Vizio. I really want to know why you would be willing to pay more. (Besides Name) I found Vizio price to be 1499$ and Panny is 2499$.
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I would pay more just for the name by itself. Im not paying more for the little panasonic logo. Im paying becuase I know panasonic plasmas are tried and tested. While the Vizio is getting good reviews now, what about 3-4 years down the road. They havn't been out long enough.


On paper, the 2 are quite comprable...just don't know how each will hold up in the long run. That said, you probably get get the Vizio covered for an extra 5 years for the same price of the Panasonic which would only have a 1 year warranty (2 if you have a good CC).


I can't say for certain the the Panasonic is worth more, but I think I would still pay more for it. As irrational as that sounds, I just don't fully trust the Vizio yet.

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Well said on buying an extended warranty. I was just making sure that I wasn't missing anything on the Panasonic. I will just buy the Vizio + warranty, and try my luck. Thanks for your advice and opinion.

:g_thumble Let us know how you like it after BF.

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