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BF Poem Roulette (join the fun.)

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Good morning! Hello! So nice to meet you! :)

Yes, it's my first Black Friday, not sure what to do... :confused:


The end of the line... isn't here? It's where??

Should have camped here last night?!?! It's way back over there?!?! :eek:


Thought I came prepared with my well-thought-out plan:

I set my alarm for 3! :tired: And pulled the seats from the van!!


Oh, look! The doors are open! Thus begins a stampede.

But why the rush? Not everyone could possibly want what I need... :rotflol:


This is so amazing! Quite hard to believe!

The crowds... the commotion... I was so naive. :o


Well, I've got my list, my wallet, my holiday grin. :holiday04

Okay, wish me luck... I'm goin' in!!!! :bunny:


Here's two for somewhere in the middle:


"In my car I race to be the first in line,

All the way shouting 'The laptop is mine!'


When I suddenly arrive I see such a start,

The line already wraps to the other side of the mart!"


(More than a few years of Dr. Seuss under my belt!)

  nebraskaparkfan said:

There's folks with their blankets, and folks with their heaters,

and folks cutting in line - those dirty cheaters.

(Continuing the middle part)


... "There's the folks that didn't potty - there doing a dancing show,

Looks like the other guy printed his ads a month ago.


There's the next door neighbor and all her kids in their chairs,

Oh look: there's some folks who forgot their winter wears.


There's some folks coming now - boy are the gonna whine,

When they realize they're place is the back of the line."


"Suddenly, without warning, doors open to the call of wars,

I missed my cue to move and now I'm seeing stars!


I get knocked around unwillingly as the line roars to the front,

And I think someone shoved me away with something blunt!


As I'm trampled on the ground I think I'm seeing red,

Someone ran over my spleen before they stepped on my head!


As my stars cleared away I feel I may start to cry,

As I kiss my poor cheap laptop good-bye. :( "


(I know this is all more than two lines, but I'm on a roll here!)


I made my plan, I double-checked everything

But tragedy struck full of dread and doom

By mistake I'd set my alarm

for 3 in the afternoon.


(the above story is true - the names have been deleted to protect the technologically incompetent)


"And I heard Brad and Ross exclaim as my PC turns out it's light,

'Happy holidays to all, and see you next year on this site!'"




(Yes, I know this site is here all year 'round. Everyone stick around after the holidays! Now someone should compile all the poems in this thread, put 'em in the right order, then publish the GottaDeal BF 2006 Storybook. :D )

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