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Has anyone gotten one of these yet? I just looked on ebay and there are some on there for 249.00! They have them on Amazon for 59.00 so who ever is buying that is an idiot! My question though is what in the world are they thinking selling it without the REQUIRED rechargable battery pack? That thing is 30 to 40 dollars by itself. I think that is just wrong. Some people might think "I can go for a 50 dollar gift" then get it home and realize they need to spend another 40 bucks! That is just bad marketing in my opinion. I think it is trying to trick people. Like your going to take it back after your kid has already opened it. Not to mention that you would have to deal with not being able to use the think. :no:

They seem to be selling a lot of those remote things w/o the battery packs. I bought 2 terrain twisters the other year, and had to get 2 packs... I was thinking the same thing.. Just another thing to buy to get it to run.

Could you imagine xmas morning w/o the battery.. ew, not pretty.

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