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the bestbuy jvc camcorder

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I was wondering how good is the JVC grd22u camcorder. They dont sell that model in US. They sell it in Canada and Europe. Its 680k pixels camera with 16x optical zoom and all regular features. I had almost decided to buy the canon zr80 but now with more than $100 difference I am considering the JVC as an option. Any comments, suggestions...



i wouldn't go for anything without 3CDD, the picture is just not comparible and it feels as if u would wanna buy a different one later when you use it, trust me, i got one of those regular one, i was happy, then i saw the picture of those 3CCD camera produce, i was like "i got to get one of thsoe" lol
I wanted the Sony HC40 in the beginning, but due to a tight budget later decided for the canon zr80. but now with this jvc gr-d22u which still is a minidv cam with 680k pixels and all regular features i am in a dilema... canon zr80 would be $300 at the least and if the bestbuy rumor comes out to be true, the jvc one would be $200.... lets see..
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