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Anyone have print text only list?


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Can anyone direct me to a pretty good text only BF list for printing? I'm trying to compile the stores I want into a list in Word, and when I copy/paste from this site, for example, I get the table and dark shading of cells in my document. I just want the text only, no tables. I tried to delete the table in Word and it just misaligned the list, the name of the product is there, then where you would tab over to the price, it's about a 1/2 a line down to the side. Word confuses me so much. :confused:





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If you are trying to make a list of which items you want to buy, you can use the "My Shopping List" feature to check off which items you want from which stores, and then click "Display List" when you're done, and then print it; you'll get a text-only list, store by store, of what you checked off.
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Thanks BriansMommy. I think that's my only option, the only thing is I have to check off each individual item, which is going to be tedious! For each store, I want the whole list since I'll have my husband (and probably several relatives on Thanksgiving) looking at it, so want to make sure the full sale is there.


Thanks for the tip!



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