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*Contest* ends 11pm...best Circuit City or Best Buy coupon that will work on monitors

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Hi. :) I read on the site that it's ok to do GC contests, so here goes:


I'm desperately in need of a coupon (printable in-store or on-line) from BB or CC that will work on a Sony LCD monitor. The 10% off $199 CC coupon won't work on monitors. I'm going shopping tomorrow, so the contest will have to end at 11pm Eastern tonight. Just post what coupon it is (i.e. $10 off $100), not the actual code (we'll do that by pm later) and the winner will have a $5 Starbucks GC in the mail tonight.


Thanks so much...this thing is $400 before rebates and any money off will be such a help!



I have a coupon code for $15 off of $100, not sure if it will work for your purchase.

Expires 12/20/05


Coupon Code: 2WAMWCUAS6 (Expires 12/20/05)


HTH Patty


I know you said the 10% off $199 does not work, but I ran across three different ones and thought you might want to check each one. Good luck!


10% off $199+ order.


Expires: 12/19/2005


10% off $199+ order

Coupon Code: EHAH5PMAWZ

Expires: 12/19/2005


10% off $199+ orders

Coupon Code: X7AEN7TAWY

Expires: 12/19/2005


Each code is different. Okay gonna look some more for you. And yea I know it's past 11pm, but just trying to help

Thanks so much to both of ya for helping! noehlp...I checked the last three, but they won't work for the monitors. The first one you posted gave a message that it had already been used. But, again, thanks so much for trying. :) I've got two of these gcs and no Starbucks anywhere near my two stoplight town *L*, so I'd like to send you both one. I'll pm you.

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