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holiday traditions/ideas


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what do you do as holiday traditions...or decorating ideas??



aside of the all known

like someone posted in another post...

watching christmas movies bf weekend..

or going to look at christmas lights,..

some ideas are midnight masses,...christmas caroling....baking holiday cookies/treats...ect?

we make magic rain deer food,to sprinkle christmas eve..

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On Thanksgiving when we were kids, we would put the name of each family member on a slip of paper (there were 4 of us at the time). Then we'd each pick a name and try and keep it a secret. Mom and Dad would give my sister and I a few dollars and sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve the 4 of us would go shopping for the person whose name we drew. Then on Christmas Eve we'd have a little "pre-Christmas" party (mostly because my sister and I couldn't wait till Christmas to open presents! lol). We'd have snacks and play a couple Christmas games. Then we'd each get 2 or 3 slips of paper and write directions on the first slip. Those directions would lead us to the next slip of paper and so on. On the last slip of paper we'd write where we hid the gift. After we all had our gifts found, we'd sit and open them. A simple idea in simple times, but we always had fun and kept doing this until I (the oldest) moved out.
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When my kids were little I would buy Christmas themed coloring books. (Ones that were easy to cut out) The kids would color or scribble depending on their ages at the time. Then I would cut them out and glue each picture to a red or green sheet of construction paper and hang them up around the house. We also made huge paper chains. DD wants to let her DD "color" some pictures this year to hang up.
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