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How do you "camp out" for bf??


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Ok...if i'm gonna be at the best buy a little after midnight to hopefully be one of the first in line...how do i camp out? I live in south texas. The earliest i've every arrived anywhere was at target at 4am and was the FIRST in line. But that totally different from after midnite. lol. Do I wear 2 pairs of warmups and socks? then if i get hot i can shed a layer? lol do I bring hot cocoa? my sis in law and hubby plan on going too. so now I need to find a sitter to come stay with my kiddos. dh said he will sleep in the car but me and his sis can sit against the store, so we can keep each other awake, but one is not alone. then he'll relieve one so they can sleep in the car and then she'll relieve the other and when its time, he'll head to either tru or wallyworld for me and leave us there to fend for ourselves..or i should say fight for ourselves. lol should we bring a blanket? I've never done anything like this for a concert ticket or anything..i'm from a one red light town. hhahaha
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If cold wear some "extra" clothes. take blanket if you get cold easy a book with a light or a gameboy or something to entertain yourself for several hours. I have only waited for some WWE tickets a few hours before like 5 hours so this will be a big strech waiting 7+hours in line.....eek! I must be crazy!! Oh well I gonna get me one of those BB emachines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:groovin:
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Check your weather for the low of the night and dress appropriately. It's going to be 45 Thurs. night, at least for now, so we'll layer and lose what's not necessary. But, remember, you'll be in one spot and probably not moving a lot, so you'll get colder than if you were walking, moving, etc. Chair, coffee, book, portable TV...all put away into the car as employees arrive for work at the store.


After several hours in line, a sort of friendship forms and everyone watches your place and for "line breakers." Helps that the BB we frequent puts cops out at around an hour or so before the doors open.

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Guest general41391
I am going to bring my CD player and my Gameboy sp ( i dont want to bring my nintendo ds...someone might steal it!) and i will dress WARM!
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I'm in South Texas and as of now the 10 day forecast is showing a low of 55 degree. Not to bad. I'll be out in line a BB too! We'll get there right at midnight. It's going to be a long night. We just have to do what we have to to get that 42" plasma Hdtv.


Happy shoping

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Low 30s for me on BF. I plan to be at Target by myself freezing my butt off in line by 2am (of course if no one is there, I'll sit in my car). Once I see cars pulling in, I'll jump out in line. Im not bringing anything. I'll just chat once people start coming. Winter jacket and gloves though
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Holy COW.... If it was like that down here,, I would rather stay home than camp out for BF..... man.... it's 50 degrees down here and Iam still freezing my A$$ off!!!


Wow South Texas and worried about the cold...I'm in Wisconsin, and it's currently 19 degrees and wind chill is 6....I'd be happy if it's over 30 on BF!!!!

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