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Anyone Go Out Christmas Caroling Anymore?


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Anyone Go Out Christmas Caroling Anymore? Or have you ever?


I have an it is so much fun to do. About 5 years ago, my husband was on the Fire Dept. in the small town where we lived at the time. The women had a organization that helped out the fire department. Anyhow,,,none of them wanted to do anything that year for the children besides the FD Christmas party. So, I had my children take on the bus flyers to give out to the children and asked them if they wanted to join and meet 2 nights a week practicing Christmas carols to sing at the FD Christmas party. I had 18 children show up that first week. They were so good about showing up every time we met that we went our caroling around town. The FD guys made sure the children had munchies and soda during practice.

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You don't have to invite them,,just wave or clap. Most of the people that we sang for opened the door and thanked us, some didn't open the door but came to the window to watch us...guess they must of heard us, then they waved to us.


BTW, I found the music sheets for Christmas carols online and just printed them off for everyone.

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I said thank you and told them what a great job they did. Offered for them to come into the house (even though kids were in their pjs) and have coffee or hot chocolate. They did come in but refused drinks. Talked with us and warmed themselves for a bit and left. It was a nice gesture though. I just didn't think people did that anymore.
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As the Activities Programer for our Village, I organize our Caroling and Santa's Visit. We'll be doing it on December 10 this year.


BTW, I found the music sheets for Christmas carols online and just printed them off for everyone.

Could you post the link please? I have a set of lyrics, but would love actual sheet music for the International student families who don't know all of the tunes.

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As the Activities Programer for our Village, I organize our Caroling and Santa's Visit. We'll be doing it on December 10 this year.




Could you post the link please? I have a set of lyrics, but would love actual sheet music for the International student families who don't know all of the tunes.


i knew a couple sites but now i've lost them. i found that by google

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I did it a couple of times when I was in middle school! One time with my church group, we went and sang at a nursing home and stopped at each room and sang. I bawled! LOL I'm too sensitive for that stuff but it made me feel good. I like going to one of the bigger malls in Denver, they have the walking singers around the mall in the old time clothing! It's neat!!
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I did it a couple of times when I was in middle school! One time with my church group, we went and sang at a nursing home and stopped at each room and sang. I bawled! LOL I'm too sensitive for that stuff but it made me feel good. I like going to one of the bigger malls in Denver, they have the walking singers around the mall in the old time clothing! It's neat!!

oh i love that, i wish they did it here
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I don't and I'm not sure if anyone does out here. Back home, in my parents' neighborhood, there are some streets where everyone goes all-out with light displays and cars come from all over to drive through and look. A few pickup trucks loaded up with people will go by with everyone singing Christmas carols to the other cars and to the people walking through the neighborhood on the sidewalk. There are kids selling hot chocolate for 50 cents a cup too...it was so much fun...man I miss home.
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A bunch of us go out on horseback every year a few days before Christmas. We have done it in the dark and have done it during the day. Night or pre-night works best, more people at home. We go the weekend before and place cards in the mailboxes to let the neighbors know when we will be comming through and if they want us to stop they will be outside or leave their light on the front porch if they want us to stop.


Most of the time a few have warm drinks and snacks for us as well as carrots and such for the horses. It seems to be a big tradition I have been fortunate to be able to join in for the past 7 years! Something about the sound of horse's hoof beats and jingle bells (for those whose mounts don't mind) makes all the kids happy.:clapping::singer::bounce_fl

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I'll let you guys know if my neighbors do it again this year. It was nice last year, but I just didn't know the what do to when they were done! Im thinking this year since they did it on Christmas eve last year, do make sure I have some refreshments to offer on hand. Maybe a treat for their 3 kids too
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