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Other Christmas Ideas


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I know I always think of ways to keep my children involved, So here are a few things Ive done,


Ever have problems Potty training, when my son was 2.5 almost 3 he wouldnt want to use the potty and he was old enough and knew what to do, So I asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he had this huge list of Big boy toys, Well my mind went in to gear and I called his Grandpa who lives in an other state and explained to Santa that unless he became a big boy that he couldnt have any of those toys he wanted and he needed baby toy's, Well Santa talked to him and in a matter of a week it was good by diapers and and when he went to sit on Santa's lap he told him I am a big boy now so dont forget no baby toy's.


Another thing I have done is it gets harder for the little ones to keep their rooms clean so I bought 2.5 foot trees and told them if they cleaned the rooms and kept them clean they could have them for their rooms and pick out any mini ornaments that they want for their tree, so for 2.87 for the tree and .88 for the lights I know have two clean kids rooms.


Ohhhh The power of Santa and Christmas

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My husband is dressing as Santa this year for his nephew, that poor child is going to have nightmares for years to come, I'm sure of it.

....OMG I can so relate...my youngest HATED the man in the red suit so much that he wonce climbed me like a monkey up a tree right in the middle of this huge mega mall because he saw Santa walking down the mall towards us....he was so heavy I staggered but looking back on it it cracks me up....this chunkly toddle and his "vertically challenged" Mom trying to get it together enough to leave the mall......oh, what we do for our kids!


:rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol:

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....OMG I can so relate...my youngest HATED the man in the red suit so much that he wonce climbed me like a monkey up a tree right in the middle of this huge mega mall because he saw Santa walking down the mall towards us....he was so heavy I staggered but looking back on it it cracks me up....this chunkly toddle and his "vertically challenged" Mom trying to get it together enough to leave the mall......oh, what we do for our kids!


:rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol:

That gave me a good laugh, reminded me of my son last year. This year he has been ready for santa since august. :D
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