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video camera - 10 year old

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My 10 1/2 year old dd has had the Intel Play for a year now. She loves it and has a lot of fun taking movies and editing them with the included software. The quality is good enough but it only takes about a minute of video. She is asking for something that she can record longer with. I want to keep it at $100 or less. Any suggestions? Thanks!




My kids (11 & 9) also have the intel play camera (which is the same as Digital blue) - they also love it. So I was also looking for an upgrade. Here's what I found out (from reading reviews and ads):


American Idol Digital: Same camera as original, only 4 minutes tape time, new backgrounds

Digital Blue 2: Same camera, more memory (records twice as long) approx 7-9 minutes

Vcam: By same makers of video now, same memory as new digital blue ~7-9 mins

Vidster: Same memory as new cams (vcam, new digital blue) 7-9 mins


What I like about digital blue is how easy it is to upload the clips and create movies (that is why my kids use it so much). So I was nervous about getting a new one, I did finally decide on the vidster (for xmas) because it had good reviews on the software. I haven't tried it yet since it is a gift.


Hope that helps.


Thanks to the responses and PM. Jonjoe, that was just the info I was looking for. I didn't know that the Digital Blue had other models. We have an older one. I am going to look into those and the one you bought. Thanks!



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