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Have you ever opened presents on Thanksgiving?

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I have more presents already bought for my family now than I ever had before Thanksgiving in years past, and I don't know if I can keep them secret for so long! I was kind of toying with the idea of giving mom/dad/bro/sister each one small present (like, really small) on Thanksgiving to kind of enhance the holiday spirit and give me a chance to release some of my already-mouting anxiety. What do you think? Has anyone actually ever done this before?



I have never done it before, but it was very tempting when I was first married. Now,,,I love making them wonder what I got them. My immediate family always wants me to give hints to them. I am very vague with answers..:woot2:
  JonathanM said:

used to, Thanksgiving is around my birthday, so I would get presents then

My mom n dad's anniversary, my cousin's anniversary, and my aunt's b-day are all right around Thanksgiving time...so almost every year someone's day fell on it. Nothing like callin to wish a happy Thanksgiving and happy anniversary or b-day.
don't ever think we've ever gave presents on thanksgiving but if its something you want to do go for it. it'd be a nice suprise!
Yes I have--but it was when my husband was moving from Ft. McClellan to Ft. Bragg and we though his unit was deploying 2 weeks after he got there for Desert Storm. His unit ended up deploying 6 days after he reported. We exchanged presents on Thanksgiving day and on the day after, he flew to Bragg. He was in Kuwait by by the first week of December. Circumstances made it happen that way, but we haven't since then.
No way I think it should definatley wait until Christmas. Although when we were kids there were four of us so we could open one gift from each other on xmas Eve!!!! That was somethign we all looked forward to also!!!
Yeah my kids have opened gifts on Thanksgiving or any other day they could find where they were hidden they just won't admit to doing so usually would try to retape like as if I wouldn't notice!!
  Peshua said:

Yeah my kids have opened gifts on Thanksgiving or any other day they could find where they were hidden they just won't admit to doing so usually would try to retape like as if I wouldn't notice!!

Awe come on now we didn't really do that that was just your imagination mom!!!

Nope, never have, but this year we are eating and exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve at my parent's house this year instead of later in the Day on Christmas Day. I think this is going to work out much better for us.




1998. We were scheduled to go to my sister's wedding 800 miles away and she was supposed to get married the day after Christmas. Well, first I get a call from them on Friday, November 13, 1998 that I will never forget. All my sister said was "Daddy isn't coming home to walk me down the aisle" It took me 45 minutes to get her to explain as she was hysterical. My father had an accident in his semi and had died. Two days later I was sitting in a motel room down there. :eek: :eek:


We spent eight grueling days, came home and had Thanksgiving/Christmas with hubby's family because my family was all going to be at this wedding anyway. We left for their home the Wednesday prior because we had booked ourselves into Padre Island for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. So we get to Padre and it's the first year in 30 years that it was literally 30 degrees on the beach on Christmas morning (I have pictures of the kids in their Nebraska winter coats with goobers coming out of their noses on the beach picking up shells *LL*). :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


So we get back up to her home that evening and find that she is hysterical again, it seems that they decided not to get married afterall (the day before it was supposed to happen). Okay. It seems that my sister was unable to walk down the aisle without her daddy so she just decided to say to he** with it all. He was my biological father too, but with 400 guests (over half of which had traveled 800 miles or more) I just don't think so. :wife: :wife: :wife:


Two years later, they got married by a J.P. at some roadside chapel.


I still haven't gotten over that one! :argue_cur :argue_cur

Last year my sons awoke on christmas eve morning to two presents wrapped in there room. I told them they were from Santa's elves. Inside were new pajamas for them to wear to bed that night so they would look nice for all of the present opening pictures. I plan to do this again this year too.
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