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Disney Plush Rockers $18 (CUTE) Walmart BF Deals


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These are adorable! They had them for the same price last BF at WM and I got the Bullseye for my DS2. He still loves it! When you push on its ear it plays a song and when you push it again it makes a horse noise. Great price on that! :)

How big is this? I have a small 3 yo nephew, and I'm wondering if it would be too small for him now?

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These are adorable! They had them for the same price last BF at WM and I got the Bullseye for my DS2. He still loves it! When you push on its ear it plays a song and when you push it again it makes a horse noise. Great price on that! :)

How big is this? I have a small 3 yo nephew, and I'm wondering if it would be too small for him now?

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These are sooooooooooo cute, I have a new nephew, is this a sale price? (I don't see original/sale tags) is 18 a good buy? what age can they use them up to?

It says 12-36 months, but this is why I'm asking how big it REALLY is, from someone who says they have one...

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