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I want to get an xbox this year for my dd. I have seen really good deals for it on blackfriday but they arefor the x box 4gb. I see the one everyone is talking about now is the 360. Is it even worth my money to get the 4 gb? Is it any good? Also what is it exactly that knect does?


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The difference in the two is the memory.they are the same exact console as far as preformance is concerned.The 4GB will hold memory for maybe a dozen games the 360GB will hold hundreds.Now what i mean by holding memory is when shes playing a game and wants to save it it gets saved on the memory.Now if shes only going to have a coupole games or so the 4gb will be fine.Also if she saves a game and later decides she doesnt like it or has completed it you can delete the game and recover the memory back to use the space for another game.Now the Kinects thing is AWESOME.Im getting my son one for Christmas.Its like the Wii in the fact that you interact with the game.The Wii uses a controller you hold and you must jump and move to play the game.The Kinects uses a sensor and no controller.If your playing a game you in fact have to move inorder to play the game.Like soccer ,you would actually have to make a kicking motion to get the ball to move on the screen.I hope this makes since.Sry its so long.Just trying to be as informative as i can.



And on a side note if you get the 4gb and decide later on she needs more memoery you can buy a used harddrive from Gamestop for like $40.Still cheaper than the 320 GB.The harddrive would snap into the console.Its real simple.

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kinect is like the wii fit in ways, it allows you to dance for example and makes the movements on the screen. As far as the 4gb, depends on what your dd is into. If its for starting out the 4gb is fine. You can always upgrade it to a bigger hard drive. And depending on what games will be played, you may not need a bigger one. If your dd is into the more popular shooting games that come out with map packs then the bigger hard drive is the one to get. The system is good, it just the hard drive that depends on what you need. The systems is the same for the 4gb as the 250 gb. Just the hard drive is larger. Hope that helps
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The difference in the two is the memory.they are the same exact console as far as preformance is concerned.The 4GB will hold memory for maybe a dozen games the 360GB will hold hundreds....Still cheaper than the 320 GB.

Sounds like just a matter of confusion from OP. There is only one XBox system currently out there for purchase new. It is the "XBox 360." 4GB refers to the size only. There is no such thing as a 360GB or a 320GB. It only comes in 4GB and 250GB, both are called XBox 360. There are many recent Xbox posts here that give you tons of info, everything you could need, under the Deal Finder and Deal Discussion forums. There is even one on the 4GB vs. the 250GB. 2 links are below but go back a week or 2 and I think there are more. Check these out for tons of info. Good luck!





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