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Playstation 3 system deal

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We got ours last year from Walmart. It was a really good deal during one of their electronics sales in November. Same thing for the Xbox year before but we got that from Amazon. All the stores were doing the same thing in competition in 09. Usually the best deals are the system at regular price with a $100 gift card to the store. Prices don't fluctuate too much with sales, only if it's a price drop.
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I see that they are still offering the $50 amazon credit. I thought about going ahead and getting this deal also. But was wondering if a deal on the 320 gb might come along for the same price? Anyone heard what walmart might be offering on the ps3 this year? do you think that Amazon will do a better deal?

how much "memory" or stargae space difference is there between this one and the 320? ( a huge difference? or would you never fill up either one?) thanks.

** if walmarts BF add would just hurry up and be "leaked" I'd know what to do.. gah imma go crazy!***

Edited by ourhappyfamily4
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I see that they are still offering the $50 amazon credit. I thought about going ahead and getting this deal also. But was wondering if a deal on the 320 gb might come along for the same price? Anyone heard what walmart might be offering on the ps3 this year? do you think that Amazon will do a better deal?

how much "memory" or stargae space difference is there between this one and the 320? ( a huge difference? or would you never fill up either one?) thanks.

** if walmarts BF add would just hurry up and be "leaked" I'd know what to do.. gah imma go crazy!***

The difference is 160 GB. It really depends on who the console is for if they can fill it up; casual gamer versus serious gamer. For DS15, the 160 GB will never be filled as this will be 1 of 5 systems that he plays and has games for.

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I went ahead and ordered this deal from Amazon yesterday.. but now I'm sorta bumed because walmart will have the same system but with 2 games for $200 on BF.... Did I do right? or wrong? UGH.. I still dont know!!!

..... man BF makes people go crazy lol.. comparing the deals.. hoping to get in on this one.. or taking this one back.. ugh.. i got to stop going crazy. lol so i'm just going to stop worring about it! : ) but i do have one question.

**** how long did it take for yall to get the $50 credit ??


Edited by ourhappyfamily4
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I am wondering how many of the bundles walmart is supposed to have per store and if it's going to be different between Supercenters and the small old style Walmart stores. I've got a lot of locations near me both supercenters and old stores. I'm also kinda wondering about the online BF sales and then Cyber Monday deals too.

dont forget about the secret saturday sales too!
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